Anti-Gambling Lobby Warns Against Legal Casinos & Gambling

thailand casinos illegal

thailand casinos illegal - win

Casino kingpin Salim owns 7 companies in Thailand, did illegal transactions of Tk20 crore

Casino kingpin Salim owns 7 companies in Thailand, did illegal transactions of Tk20 crore submitted by Basicalibysharier to BangladeshMedia [link] [comments]

Phuket, Thailand – police close down an illegal casino and arrest 52 people

submitted by casinomaneu to gamblingnews [link] [comments]

I'm gonna pop off for a second. ZERO of these cucks care ANYTHING for you or your grandma, how do I know? Because they never complained about the gambling industry.

That's JUST the suicides. Not the drugs, prostitution, organized crime, alcohol, cigarettes, job problems, domestic problems, credit card interest, or whatever else people could be doing with their lives. It's just the suicides.
Gambling was illegal in 48 states for over 100 years, but in the last ten years has risen almost perpendicularly. Ask anyone who works at a gas station or convenience store, daily lottery drawings and scratch-off tickets are almost a $100B industry - with some states legalizing lotteries as recently as January of 2020. Sports betting is almost as large, formally estimated at $85B.
Casinos, together with strip clubs and the other forms of gambling listed above, are open and operating right now in states that continue to (illegally) force churches and businesses to shut down. By the way.
submitted by JIVEprinting to CoronavirusCirclejerk [link] [comments]

[S] Marooned: Marquesas (Complete)

Down below a fishing boat are 16 Americans who are about to be marooned in the middle of the Marquesas, part of Tahiti’s mystical islands. Thousands of miles from the nearest continent this will be their home for the next 39 days. But this time the game is different, these survivors will be given no food, absolutely no rations. Each tribe will leave this ship with only the barest of essentials, two machetes, two cooking pots, two empty water containers, one frying pan, one filet knife, and one magnifying glass. They’ll be left to fend for themselves using the resources of the land and their own survival skills. It is the ultimate challenge! 16 strangers forced to work together to create a new society while battling the elements and each other. They must learn to adapt of they’ll be voted out of the tribe. In the end only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize. 39 days, 16 people, one survivor! This is Marooned: Marquesas.
The Cast
Maraamu Tribe:
Rotu Tribe:
Episode 1: After the marooning the two tribes arrive at their beaches and instantly the game starts being played. At the Maraamu tribe Savvy wants nothing more than for there to be an all girls alliance that dominates the game so she approaches Jay, Kelsey, and Lela and asks them if they would like to form an all girls alliance. Every single one of them is fully on board with an all girls alliance and so it is officially formed. Meanwhile on the Rotu tribe Juliette wants to make an alliance. She is a therapist and knows how to get along with all different types of people so she decides to make an alliance with a group very different people. This alliance ends up being made up of her, Don, Ida, James, and Moz. They all agree to stick together until the end. At the immunity challenge Maraamu blows Rotu out of the water and wins immunity sending Rotu to the first tribal council of the season. Back at camp a majority of the people in Juliette’s alliance want to vote out Zina because they don’t think that she’s a particularly valuable member of the tribe but Juliette has formed a bond with Zina and doesn’t want her to go so she convinces her alliance to vote for Gregory instead and at tribal council in a 5-3 vote Gregory becomes the first person voted out of Marooned: Marquesas.
Episode 2: After the last tribal council Rotu starts becoming a bit concerned about how much control Juliette has over the tribe. At the immunity challenge Maraamu once again wins, sending Rotu back to tribal council. After the challenge Don is hungry and so he decides to climb up a coconut tree to get some coconuts. Right when he’s about to reach the top of the tree he slips and falls all the way down. He lands in a terrible position breaking both of his legs. The instant that the medics get there they know that there’s no way Don is going to be able to continue in the game so they put him in a stretcher and put that on a boat and take him away. Don has officially been medically evacuated.
Episode 3:>! After the medical evacuation everyone on the Rotu tribe is sad. Don was a great presence around camp and was always willing to put in work. Everyone is devastated to see him leave the game the way he did. At the immunity challenge Rotu is finally able to claim victory, sending Maraamu to their first tribal council. Back at camp everyone is annoyed by Savvy. She spends most of the day laying in the shelter and complaining about the elements and has hardly lifted a finger the entire time that she’s been here. For the guys on the Maraamu tribe the decision is easy, Savvy needs to go but for the girls on the Maraamu tribe the decision isn’t nearly that simple. They all want to vote out Savvy but if they vote out Savvy the girls on the tribe will be down in numbers ruining their shot at having an all girls alliance run the game. In the end the girls decide to go with the guys and vote out Savvy so at tribal council Savvy is blindsided in a 7-1 vote.!<
Episode 4: On day 10 everyone is shocked when they are told to drop their buffs because there’s a tribe swap. At the first immunity challenge as new tribes the new Maraamu tribe manages to win immunity. Back at the Rotu tribe there is an equal number of both original Rotu people and original Maraamu people but Imaan does not like Juliette at all and after having to take orders from her for the first 9 days on the original Rotu tribe where Juliette was in power Imaan is fed up with her so she decides to flip and work with the original Maraamu people to blindside Juliette but Lela is still wanting there to be an all girls alliance and knows that if Juliette gets voted out then there will be an equal number of guys and girls in the game and the guys will most likely be able to take control. In order to avoid that happening she decides to flip and just minutes before tribal council she whispers in Juliette and James’s ears telling them to vote for Shawn. At tribal council this causes a 3-3 tie between Juliette and Shawn. On the revote nobody changes their vote causing a rock draw. Luk ends up drawing the purple rock and is out of the game.
Episode 5: At the start of episode 5 we get a confessional from Juliette where she talks about how she doesn’t like the fact that she had to be saved by Lela in the last episode. She is worried that Lela is going to start telling people that Juliette is only in the game because of her and if that happens then it could hurt Juliette’s odds of getting jury votes. Because of this Juliette wants to take out Lela as soon as possible. At the immunity challenge Maraamu wins immunity. Back at camp Julliette decides to attempt to reunite the 3 original Rotu people on the tribe by pulling Imaan back into the alliance. Imaan ends up agreeing to stick with original Rotu giving Juliette the numbers once again. Lela realizes that Juliette no longer has any interest in working with her so she goes back to Shawn and the two of them decide to vote for James. Meanwhile the original Rotu people struggle to decide who to vote out. Juliette wants to vote out Lela for reasons mentioned at the start of the episode but Imann wants to vote out Shawn because she knows that they are about to merge and thinks that he will be more threatening after the merge. They are never able to reach an agreement and at tribal council this causes a 2-2-1 vote with Shawn getting one vote and James and Lela both getting 2. On the revote Imaan gives in and votes for Lela causing Lela to be voted out in a 2-1 vote.
Episode 6: At the immunity challenge Maraamu wins for the third time in a row. Back at camp it seems clear that the 3 original Rotu people are going to stick together and vote out Shawn but Shawn doesn’t give up and works to form a bond with Imaan. This causes Imaan to consider voting with Shawn and forcing a tie but at the end of the day Imaan is too scared of drawing rocks again to force a tie and at tribal council Shawn is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Episode 7: After 19 days of competing against each other the two tribes come together and merge. After the merge all 6 of the original Rotu tribe members decide to stick together and pick off the original Maraamu tribe members. At the very first individual immunity challenge Imaan wins individual immunity. After the challenge the 6 original Rotu tribe members decide to vote out Vito because they think that he is sneaky and could be very difficult to vote out down the road if he manages to get a grip on the tribe. Kelsey and Jay see the writing on the wall and in an attempt to get in with the Rotu people they too write down VIto’s name at tribal council causing Vito to be voted out in a 8-2 vote.
Episode 8: After the last tribal council Kelsey knows that she will most likely be one of the next 3 to be voted out and starts brainstorming ideas for how she can stay in the game. At the immunity challenge Jay wins immunity. Back at camp Kelsey decides that her best shot at staying in the game is starting a rumor so she begins telling people that Imaan has been talking about flipping on the Rotu people. This causes Ida to get angry so she confronts Imaan. This confrontation quickly escalates into a fight and soon the two have decided to target each other. Ida is quickly able to get all the Rotu people (Aside from Imaan) on her side and they all agree to vote for Imaan. Imaan on the other hand knows that she won’t be able to convince anyone to vote for Ida because Ida has strong relationships with everyone on the tribe so she instead decides to target James at this pivotal tribal council and hopefully take out Ida at the next tribal council. She is easily able to convince all of the original Maraamu people to vote for James but needs to convince at least one more person to vote for James in order to stay in the game. She views Zina as the person most likely to flip on the Rotu people and tries to convince her to vote for James but at tribal council Zina decides to stick with Ida and the Rotu people causing Imaan to be voted out in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 9: After the last tribal council people once again start viewing Juliette as a big threat. R2 realizes that this is something he might be able to use to his advantage in order to save himself and the other Maraamu people. At the immunity challenge Kelsey wins immunity. After the immunity challenge the 6 people from the new Maraamu tribe (Ida, Jay, Kelsey, Moz, R2, and Zina) come together and decide to form a new alliance and take out Juliette and James but the plan is very messy and most people aren’t sure whether they are voting for Juliette or James which allows Juliette to step in and save herself by telling Kelsey, James, Jay, and Ida to vote for Moz about 20 minutes before tribal council. Because Kelsey, Jay, and Ida are still not sure if the new Maraamu people are voting for Juliette or James they decide that this is the safer plan to go with and at tribal council Moz is blindsided in a 5-2-1 vote.
Episode 10: After the last tribal council R2 realizes that if he really wants the new Maraamu people to work together he’s going to have to step into more of a leadership role and reveal more of his cards otherwise they will never be able to put together a coherent plan and work together. At the immunity challenge Ida wins immunity. Back at camp R2 meets will all of the new Maraamu people and tells them to vote for James at tonight’s tribal council. Every single one of the new Maraamu people are fully on board with this plan and at tribal council James is voted out.
Episode 11: After the last tribal council Juliette is clearly on the outs and her only shot at staying in the game seems to be winning immunity but at the immunity challenge Ida wins immunity again. The odds seem completely stacked against Juliette but she doesn’t want to give up so she has a talk with Kelsey during which she explains how she feels like R2 is running the game and will probably get to the end and win. The fact that people think that R2 is running the game doesn’t sit right with Kelsey because she thinks that she is running the game so she decides she wants to blindside R2. About half an hour before tribal council she goes to Ida and Jay and tells them to vote for R2 but neither Ida or Jay want to vote out R2 so they warn him. When R2 hears that he’s being targeted by Kelsey he decides that the best option for him is to blindside her so he gets Jay, Ida, and Zina on board with this plan and at tribal council Kelsey is blindsided in a 4-2 vote.
Episode 12: Another tribal council comes and goes and Juliette is still on the bottom but now she knows that there are ways for her to break the alliance so she is more confident that she will be able to survive than she was in the last episode. At the immunity challenge Zina wins immunity. Back at camp the clear target is Juliette. Juliette tries to warn the girls that R2 is a big threat to win the game but this time the girls don’t fall for it and at tribal council Juliette is unanimously voted out.
Finale Part 1: After listening to Juliette talk about what a big threat R2 is, the girls realize that he really is the biggest threat in the game and they all decide to work together to vote him out next. At the immunity challenge Ida wins her third individual immunity sealing R2’s fate and at tribal council R2 is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Final Part 2: At the final immunity challenge Jay wins immunity securing herself a spot in the final 2. At tribal council Jay votes out Ida because Ida is a major threat to win the game.
Final Tribal council:>! At the final tribal council Jay reveals that her strategy the entire game was to fly under the radar so that she wasn’t a target. This strategy worked flawlessly and is the reason that she received 0 votes against her the entire game. The jury really respects this so in a 6-1 vote Jay becomes the winner of Marooned: Marquesas.!<
My Thoughts: I thought this was a good season. The cast was mostly good with the female side of the cast being especially fun to watch. There were a few good blindsides with the best one probably being the Kelsey blindside at the final 6. My favorite part of the season was when Lela risked her life in the game to save Juliette and Juliette turned right around and voted Lela out on the very next episode. Juliette is truly the ice queen of Marooned. Jay was not the most exciting winner of all time but she played a good game and came just one jury vote short of playing a perfect game. Ultimately I don’t think that this was the best season of Marooned so far but it was still a lot of fun to watch.
Potential All Stars:>! Juliette, R2, Kelsey, Jay, Moz, Vito!<
Potential Second Chancers: Savvy, Lela, Don, Ida, Imaan, Luk
Previous Seasons:
The Australian Outback
Stay tuned for our next season Marooned: Thailand
I’d love to hear what you guys thought about the season in the comments
submitted by Survivor31fan to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

PSA: Countries and their gambling bans

Favor for the GTA Reddit of the day.
Kudos to - and various Redditors for input. I have removed those fields that are just for 'Land Based' as they should allow online gambling alright. Some have very odd laws and will need tested.

Notable edits - Originally the USA was added to this, it is illegal to gamble in Hawaii and Utah for example but the casino seems to function as normal there. There are a few countries as well that have gambling laws but again GTA's seems to duck underneath these. I'm not an enforcer of the law, nor am I a solicitor but common sense would lead me to say if GTA is allowing you to do it then you shouldn't have to worry about anything. If you cannot access the Casino games, VPN's are a known work around but this could net you in trouble. I won't be assisting players on where to find those (various comments have so far) but be warned it is to be used at your own discretion.
submitted by SlapshotTommy to gtaonline [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Ending the "sin laws"


The strict laws on gambling will be relaxed massively in order to bring the rampant illegal gambling business into proper business regulation and, crucially, add to the government revenue stream. Casinos, betting houses, and other forms of gambling will be legalized, provided that operators of such businesses do the following;


The alcohol industry will be liberalized extensively, with a number of changes as follows;


Marijuana will be legalised in the Kingdom of Thailand. The model to be adopted for the legalisation will be as follows;


Prostitution will be completely legalised in the Kingdom of Thailand, bringing thousands of sex workers into the protection of the law, but also into the tax system. The limitations as part of this will be as follows;
submitted by ringkichardthethrid to GlobalPowers [link] [comments]

Idea: next iOS update should focus on bettering and expanding existing features, call it an “enhancement update” if you will...

Let me just say I am loving the generations and fame additions. Next up though I feel we should have an update that just focuses on the features already in the game and making them better. Some suggestions for such... bear with me, this is a fairly long list:

1. 👨🏻‍🦱 - I’d love for the ability to select a custom character’s race, and their starting stats (looks, smarts, etc) as well. Also, I’d love to select which country they appear in, cause it’s weird to have a friend named “Bob” pop up in China.
2. 🌎 - We should have the ability to adopt children from nations other than the one you’re living in, or have someone who immigrated from a foreign country periodically pop up as a date option.
3. 🏠 - The ability to rent out houses, as well as to rent rather than buy houses of your own — also, I’d love for the following house type to be added: greenhouse (an environmentally friendly house with lots of glass and solar panels).
4. 🛥 - More assets beyond houses and cars, like the ability to buy a phone, yacht, or private plane. Also the ability to use vehicle assets, like click on a car and “take it for a spin,” or go on vacation with a private plane.
5. 🎰 - New casino mini games, such as roulette and a slot machine.
6. 🎥 - More movie genre options, like horror 👻, fantasy 🏰, or adult 😏. Also, the option to buy concessions, like have “go see movie with concessions” and “w/o” options, picking the latter option adds 4% to happiness, but drains bank account and possibly health.
7. 🏜 - Idea for vacations: alongside being able to travel to cities, have also the option to travel to landmarks, like Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Mount Everest, Great Wall of China, and more.
8. ⛓ - The ability to contact family members while in prison by phone, perhaps up to a max of four or five per year, just so your relationship bars with them don’t just dwindle till your release. Also be able to have visits if you’ve had “good behavior.”
9. 🐠 - I’m quite satisfied with pet options especially with the last update, though there are two I’d still love added: platypuses and blue tang fish (yes I want my own Perry and Dory).
10. ☠️ - I’d love if in the cemetery, gravestones from the same family lineage were grouped together as one slot in the list, like as the “Johnson Legacy” for example.
11. ✈️ - If you immigrate to a different country, you should have the option to fly back for any funerals of family members. Also, if you go on vacation to the city you emigrated from, the relationship bars of any family members still there should go up.
12. 🏙 - The ability to move to a different city within the same country, and also have a chance for your parents to move you around during your childhood (many kids don’t stay in one place, after all😉).
13. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - More family interactions. “Play a Game♟” for example which would have the chance to raise the relationship bar, or lower it if the game gets heated. Also, for your lover exclusively, the option to “send a suggestive pic📱” with the chance they’ll either respond well or poorly to it.
14. ⛪️ - Parents’ religiousness should have a bigger impact on childhood. The possibility a super religious parent would disapprove of your lover for example, or that they may try to set you up with one. They could also argue with you if you have a teen pregnancy.
15. 👥 - The chance of having more than one older sibling upon starting a new life. The chance of having quads when having children (slim, but a chance), and the very slim chance to be born as part of a set of triplets or quads.
16. 👩🏻‍🦰 - More character icon looks. The chance of having straight 👨 or curly 👨‍🦱 hair. The chance of being born as a redhead 👨‍🦰, which would vary by country. Also, in Muslim countries, women characters should use the hijab 🧕 emoji.
17. 🧘‍♂️ - More mind + body options.
• To raise smarts, options like “complete a puzzle 🧩” or “read a nonfiction book 📒”
• To raise happiness and health, options like “go golfing 🏌️” or “read a novel 📚”
• To raise looks, options like “go for a jog 🏃‍♂️” or “take a shower 🧖‍♂️”
18. 🤰 - If abortion is illegal in the country you’re in, you should still be able to try and get one, with two options: “Safe abortion,” which would have chance of arrest, or “unsafe abortion,” which wouldn’t have chance of arrest, but chance of injury or death. Also, men shouldn’t be able to force women to have abortions.
19. 👨‍👦 - If you continue on as your child after you die, and your child is retired, it should show their occupation as retired, not unemployed, and their prior occupation should appear on their gravestone when they die.
20. 💴 - More diversity with currency symbols. Countries like Japan and China, which use the Yen and Yuan respectively, should use the “¥” symbol.
21. 🏥 - Healthcare should be free at point of service in countries with universal healthcare systems, like the U.K., Canada, or Sweden. Also, there should be a chance that a child of yours gets sick in their childhood, especially if you don’t vaccinate, and you have to take them to a doctor.
22. 🎫 - Sometimes you get pop ups involving concerts, but there should also be an option in activities to go to one. Similar to vacations, it would have a drop down menu of artists to choose from, as well as option to choose class of seats, and how many people to take with you.
23. 🐶 - A new interaction with pets should be the ability to “train them,” which would make their smarts go up every so often.
24. 🌙 - A dark mode for those of us who play at night. Seen this idea pop up elsewhere, so figured I’d reiterate it.
25. 📜 - More options with the will, like the ability to leave it to grandkids and the ability to select who to pass on houses, cars or pets to plus have them passed on separate from your bank balance, like have one kid get the house and another get the bank money.
26. 😇 - Show the Karma bar in stats, and add options like “give to charity” into the game as a means to raise it. Also, and this is an entirely new idea, I think it’d be cool if your level of karma at death affects your stats in your next life. :)
27. 🇺🇳 - New countries! Ideas for such: Iceland, Poland, Switzerland, Lithuania, Thailand, Mongolia, Pakistan, Nepal, Madagascar, Morocco, D.R. of the Congo, and Fiji. (My personal top three desires are Thailand, Mongolia, and D.R. of the Congo).
28. 🇺🇸 - I’ve seen a lot of “Sweet Home Alabama” types on the BitLife page, so I propose a new city for the United States: Montgomery, Alabama. Also, I’d love for Honolulu, Anchorage, New Orleans, and Salt Lake City to be added.
29. 🏀 - More stuff with sports.
• Sometimes you see things like “you took X to a football game” for example, so that should be an option in activities. You’d have different sports to choose, like genres of movies, such as football, baseball, soccer, or cricket. Also, the option to take family members with you.
• Secondly, now that we have fame, we should definitely have a professional sports career added into jobs, as well as a sports degree added to university (that would be so fitting with the new option to buy kids into university).
30. ⚫️ - More job options! I’ve already made a list of this (here: Jobs Ideas but to highlight a few:
• 🍭 - Candy Store Worker
• ♥️ - Cardiologist
• 🎞 - Film Maker
• ⛏/⚱️ - Miner (Coal/Gold)
• Also, the pro sports career which I listed earlier.
31. 👺 - More crime options!
• Kidnapping (👶) as one. It would make a child appear in your relationships section (similar to cars in assets with stealing cars), they’d start out at 0 with their relationship bar, and you’d have the option to choose how to interact with them. Obviously, each year (until they turn 18) you’d have chance of being arrested, or being arrested right off the bat.
• Hire a Hitman (🔫) as an alternative to murdering someone yourself. You’d have several choices for hire, and the more money you pay, the better the odds of success and (more importantly) not getting caught.
• Embezzlement (👔) - steal something from your place of work and then sell it to make money. Your place of work would determine what’s up for grabs, like if you’re a pharmacist for example, you could sell drugs.
• Robbery Options - have option to select what type of building to rob alongside a house. Add in the option to rob a bank or store.
32. 🎀 - New ribbons!!
• Gold Digger (⚱️) - marry only wealthy partners, make at least $10M from divorce settlements or their inheritances.
• Debtor (🤐) - take out loans whenever given the option, such as for university, when buying a house and car, etc. Die with a negative net worth of at least -$1M.
• Foolhardy (🍀) - win a lottery prize of at least $1M before age 40, squander it all on extravagant purchases, die before age 80 with a negative net worth and depression.
• R Rated (👠) - become a pornographer, get famous, only ever do nude related things in “fame” section of activities, go clubbing a lot, always hook up whenever given the chance, get happy ending for massages whenever given chance too. In general, be a dirty person.
• Darwinist (🦁) - have at least ten instances of a pet eating another pet during your lifetime, and always reward the pet whenever they do it.
• Father and Son (👨‍👦) - live a life as a male and continue as your son after you die. Live that son’s life in a very similar manner. Get the same occupation, the same type of house, get married if your father was married, etc.

That is all, but yes, in general an update that focuses on enhancing and expanding existing features as opposed to one that adds a whole new concept I think should be next in line. There’s just so much that could be done :) comment your thoughts and ideas below👇
submitted by psherman_ to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Portus Ostium

Macau since 1949:

Since the end of the Chinese Civil War, Macau has grown tremendously in regional significance, shifting from a valuable entrepôt to one of the largest hubs in the Far East. The vast majority of refugees who fled to the territory have been allowed to stay, with 150,000 having already secured territorial residency (the closest thing to citizenship for non-ethnic Portuguese in the overseas territories at present), bringing the total resident population up to 350,000 (the remaining 150,000 have ten-year work permits). Of the 300,000 residents who have arrived since 1939, approximately 100,000 have settled on the Macau Peninsula, 50,000 on Colaone Island, and 150,000 on the previously under-populated Taipa Island (see map as attached). This has left much of the territory covered in slums, although a central government-supported programme to provide interest-free mortgages to refugees and new residents has led to the establishment of medium-quality, high-density housing across much of Taipa Island and the Peninsula. Small scale industry and locally-owned businesses have also taken off across the territory, as migrants attempt to start a new life in the bustling city.
The Macau of 1957, therefore, finds itself with an affluent centre of business on the Peninsula, flanked by emerging neighbourhoods and slums in the south and east, a highly-populated emerging cityscape on Taipa Island, with a central nucleus of emerging neighbourhoods (predominately featuring high-density, apartment-style housing) surrounded on all sides by slums and small scale factories, and a still under-populated Coloane Island, which presently boasts some slums, farms, factories and traditional villages.
The vast majority of small scale industry in Macau consists of textiles manufacturing in factories set up by the migrants. That said, larger-scale industry has also emerged, including a major bicycle factory near the border with China and a rifle manufactory on the southern tip of the Peninsula. This is emblematic of the territory’s economic ascendance, as is the arrival of new waves of ethnic Portuguese, who have brought the European population of the territory up to 13,000 since 1949.

Commercial opportunities:

The signing of the Sino-Portuguese Free Trade Agreement (SPFTA) in 1956 has dramatically improved the economic prospects of Macau. Indeed, the near-complete removal of Chinese import tariffs on Portuguese luxury goods has resulted in the establishment of a number of luxury goods production facilities on the Peninsula, as well as the proliferation of dozens of prestigious vendors in the affluent portions of the isthmus. In addition to the basic textile manufactories set up by the migrants, a number of fashion outlets have also been established for upper-class visitors, and for deliveries to customers in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. Jewellers, shoemakers, watchmakers, tailors, cordwainers and bag markers have all set themselves up in the territory, where they create their products, sell them to visitors and also export them abroad. Distilleries have also become popular, with the territory developing a positive reputation for its fine, locally-distilled whiskey, rum, gin and baijiu. An emerging brand of dark rum, known as ”Ventos Orientais”, has grown particularly popular. The rum is recognised for its distinctive flavour, being the only major rum brand to use Timorese sugar. Tobacco companies have also established high-end stores on the Peninsula, where they sell a number of recognisable international cigarette and cigar brands.
Otherwise, with the significant reduction of Chinese tariffs on precision-made products, a number of manufactories have popped up on Coloane Island, producing measuring equipment, precision medical supplies and levelling tools.
The Banco de Macau, meanwhile, has left a permanent mark on the territory by becoming the first enterprise to construct a ‘skyscraper’ (as they’re being called) in Macau, building its new corporate headquarters on the western side of the Peninsula. It has been joined by the Macau-Beijing Investment Bank and the Banco Afro-Eurásia, which have also begun construction on smaller, albeit impressive skyscrapers. Regrettably for the Banco Português do Continente e Ilhas and Montepio Geral Bank, who do not have enough capital for a skyscraper, three-storey office buildings have had to suffice.
In many cases, these banks have been instrumental in financing the recent expansion of the Macanese economy. The Banco de Macau and the Banco Afro-Eurásia, however, have sought to increase their regional presence even further by expanding into Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Singapore and Indonesia. The Banco de Macau, in particular, is expected to make major investments in Japan, Thailand and Indonesia in the coming years.

Tourism and entertainment opportunities:

The recent introduction of Western gambling to Macau, along with the Banco de Macau’s heavy investment in new casinos, has led to a proliferation of the gambling industry across the territory. Dozens of small to medium, high-end, Western casinos now dot the Peninsula, while a number of traditional casinos have emerged on Taipa Island. Along with the emergence of a luxury shopping culture, the new casinos have proven extremely popular with affluent visitors from China, Hong Kong, Japan, the West and Southeast Asia. Many new hotels are being founded on the Peninsula to meet this demand, as well as a new, game-changing casino known as Casino Lisboa, which shall open its doors in 1960. Quite expectedly, the proliferation of gambling across the territory has only poured fuel on the metaphorical fire that is the gambling syndicate rivalry. New syndicates are now competing for an increased market share as outside factions interfere with the rivalry (see: the banks and Triads) and older syndicates desperately battle to preserve their local hegemony. Already, this rivalry has been given a morbid monicker, becoming known as the ”Bloody Game (残忍赛)”. This name is quite deserved, given that syndicates of all sizes have gained a reputation for sabotage, death threats, murder and murky alliances with the Triads as their deadly rivalry spirals out of control.
Beyond the casinos, new bars, restaurants and nightclubs have been established across the territory, catering almost exclusively to high-end visitors and the Macanese elite. The combination of modern, dimly-lit bars, domestically-made liquor, prestigious fashion brands, international visitors and high-stakes games of poker have given Macau a distinct flavour, with the city increasingly being known as the ”City of Jazz (爵士城)”. Regular ferry trips between Hong Kong and Macau, coupled with daily/weekly flights to Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore, Manila, Shanghai and Bangkok are only improving this reputation.

Future infrastructure:

The huge population increase on the Taipa and Coloane islands have put immense strain on the intra-Macau ferry service. Hoping to alleviate this strain, the Macanese territorial government has announced a new project to connect Taipa Island to the Peninsula with a new bridge. Inspired by the Ponte de Liberdade in Lisbon, and designed by the same engineers, the bridge is expected to be completed by 1965 (marked in red on the map). The bridge is to be named in honour of the territory’s outgoing Governor, Joaquim Marques Esparteiro, being called the Ponte da Esparteiro.
Otherwise, recognising the strain which Macau’s rapidly-increasing population has had on the geography of the territory, a major land reclamation project is to be undertaken on both the Peninsula and Taipa Island. Zoning will take place ahead of time for the planned land, allowing preemptive property sales to help fund the project. Dutch engineers will be brought on for the project as a result of their vast land reclamation experience. Additionally, the Portuguese Navy is to assist with the project by providing auxiliary vessels where relevant. The new Peninsula-Taipa bridge will only extend across the stretch of water between the reclaimed land, with the connecting road that passes over the reclaimed land simply being raised several metres above the ground. (Land reclamation areas are marked in blue on the map, along with their planned year of completion).
Finally, in order to prevent a potential bottleneck of manufactured goods produced on Taipa Island from blocking Macau harbour and the Ponte da Esparteiro, a new industrial dock is to be constructed on the island, to be completed by 1964 (marked in orange on the map).

Vice and crime:

As previously noted, the expansion of the gambling industry has also spawned an intense rivalry between the syndicates. Indeed, the increased prevalence of vice across Macau has created an opportunity for the Triads, who already enjoyed a strong Macanese presence before the territory’s expansion, particularly on Taipa Island, the Peninsula casinos and in the slums/emerging neighbourhoods in the north. As the "Four Major Gangs (四大黑幫)” of Shui Fong, Wo Shing Yee, 14K and the Big Circle Gang have grown in importance, they have gained large footholds in the new neighbourhoods, where they run extortion rackets and loan shark operations, targetting small businesses, nightclubs and traditional gambling dens. Human trafficking has also emerged as a dangerous front, as the Triads seek to smuggle in illegal workers and, in the case of the nightclub sector, “waitresses”. Finally, the counterfeiting of patacas (Macau’s currency) has increased prolifically, as the Triads seek to use fake currency to make large bets in the casinos.
Though Indonesia’s provision of detailed intelligence on Triad drug smuggling operations in Macau has resulted in a massive crackdown on that particular area of organised crime activity, the Triads appear to be gaining ground on almost every other front, creating a complex interplay between Macanese businesses, rival gambling syndicates, law enforcement, local politicians and the Four Major Gangs. Hoping to assist the struggling territorial police in eradicating bribery, human trafficking, extortion, loan sharking, murder and counterfeiting, the SIS (basically the Portuguese FBI/secret police) and the Customs and Finance Intelligence Service (CFIS) have created a joint task force known as Operation Varrer Profundo (Deep Sweep). This operation will see the two agencies create large, permanent offices across the territory, cracking down on the Triads and illegal gambling syndicate activity by sending in hundreds of agents. Thus begins what many expect to be a years-long cat and mouse game between Portuguese authorities, the Triads, the gambling syndicates, corrupt politicians and the business sector
submitted by hughmcf to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

[Diplomacy] GDI: Thailand

Global Development Initiative: Thailand

As agreed, the Russian Federation has worked on a sweeping economic development package for Thailand that will focus on the development of a highly-modern and attractive tourist center that will focus on Phuket. In addition the Russian Federation will be assisting Thailand in developing two major southern trade-ports and the linkage between them using HSR with cargo-support. Although the Kra Canal Project was cancelled, this plan will ultimately bring even more money to Thailand, and force it to dock and cross Thailand proper at a faster rate than having to go through the Malacca Straits, while also bringing the money and resources inland- through Thailand. This ambitious proposal will only increase the amount of money and trade navigating through Thailand's center, boost tourism, and burgeon foreign investments in Thailand. On a geopolitical scale, this will prove to the world that Thailand does care about its image within ASEAN through cancelling the Kra Canal, as well as the environmental impact it would cause, but offer a more attractive plan that will provide more direct impact as an alternative to the Thai economy.

The Satun and Songkhla Economic Trade Hubs

After the Russian Federation agreed to the Global Development Initiative moving into Thailand, the Ministry of Economic development was keen to work with PM Shinawatra to develop an alternative to the Kra Canal that would bring in more revenues for Thailand. To do so, the Russian Federation set a course and a series of goals that would make such an option a more attractive alternative for Thailand. To do so, Satun, in the West, and Songkhla in the East, just the opposite side of Thailand's thinnest narrow- would be eligible for two massive port constructions. The Satun and Songkhla ports, although would be separate, were part of a larger scheme to circumvent the need for a Kra canal that would drive in more funds, foreign investment, but promise faster travel as the Kra Canal once did. What that would mean is, that each end port would have to be quite large, and able to accommodate a large flow trade. A preference would be set on speed and efficiency for loading and unloading ships to make it so equipment could transfer between ports faster. However this would have to include automation of the unloading from the boat, loading onto the transportation, and loading on the other vessel. Ultimately, the goal will be to still make it faster and attractive enough of an alternative than traversing the Malacca Straits for shipping dependent companies.
To do so, both ports constructed will have to be large deep-water ports with massive twenty-foot equivalent unit capacity. Both Satun and the Songkhla ports will be constructed completely identical for streamlining sake. Thailand will be directed by the Russian Federation to set up a company to manage both ports as a state-owned enterprise, called Thai Shipping Corp. Ltd, which will make the process smoother as both will be managed by the same unit. Then Russian National Construction Engineering Corporation will construct the two large port authorities on each side, and all the supplies and resources for said construction will be purchased from Siam Cement Group (which does more than just cement). This will allow Thailand to receive economic benefits during the ports construction that will also include, the contracting of local unemployed Thai to build the ports. It would cost an insurmountable amount of money for the RNCEC to move Russian laborers there to construct, however it would be much more economically beneficial for the Thai people for them to be hired then get paid a Russian laborers wage. Both ports will be constructed to support 45 million TEUs annually. Each port will include a total of 54 berths, quay length of 15,600 m, an area of 600 hectares, max draft of 18 m, 190 quay cranes. Additionally, both will have warehouse facilities that cover 180,000 m2 , and a depth of 20 m.
The Russian Federation aims to have this true megaport to be as automated as possible, in an attempt to make it the one of the largest, if not the largest series of interconnected fully automated port terminals on Earth. To do so, the Russian Federation will be providing thousands of driver-less vehicles and robotic equipment produced through the Golden Russia Plan and provide it specifically to the Satun and Songkhla Trade Hubs. To fund the port and the interconnectivity services, a tax fee will be paid to Thai Shipping Corp. Ltd, that will be used as Thailand's increase of revenue for having the trade hub, in addition to docking fees and ship fuel. Ultimately this will also create approximately 10,000 permanent jobs between both locations for managing controls, inspections, security and other longshoreman services. The construction of these two ports will cost $8 Bn in total, making each port a $4 Bn construction. These should be completed by 2031. Russia will be providing the project to Thailand, however will retain a holding of 25% of each port.

The Trans-Satun-Songkhla Economic Transportation Corridor

The second piece to tag onto the Trade Hub will be the necessary transportation corridor that will exist between Satun and Songkhla. A High Speed Rail service for both passengers and cargo will be serviced in a side-by-side line set called the Trans-Satun-Songkhla Economic Transportation Corridor. The railway will be operated by the State Railway of Thailand on 1,435 mm track gauge. The HSR will move of speeds around 300+ km/h between the two points. As the distance is approximately 125 km, it will take approximately 25 minutes to use the Russian Siemens HSR Cargo Cars to transport between transportation ends, which is considerably faster than going around the Malacca Straits. At which point, the cargo can quickly be loaded onto next-level transport in the logistics chain and be on the way to its end station. The high speed rail transportation corridor will likely be the most expensive undertaking of this project and is expected to cost $15 Bn to construct. This piece of the project should be completed in 2030.

The Phuket Special Economic Zone

As Thailand already operates several special economic zones that receive a large amount of investment from the central government, the Russian Federation has proposed to open Phuket as the next special economic zone for the purposes of tourism. This will make it much easier for the Russian Federation to invest in Thailand's southern provinces. Phuket already has a great airport and has connections travel connections to Thailand proper, however what it really needs is major investment in one of it's most forefront markets- tourism. Already one of the peak destinations for tourism in Thailand, the Russian Federation has a plan to make it more attractive by significantly extending its current white sand beaches, adding nightclubs/bars, and casinos. To do so, however, under the special economic zone, Thailand will have to allow gambling within the Phuket economic zone. While gambling is illegal in China and much of Asia, this will allow Phuket to dip into the honeymoon, Asian gambling, and Western gambling markets in a similar, yet cheaper way than Macau. Phuket will receive assistance from the RNCEC to extend a white sand beach along the entirety of Mu Ban Chao Le. This will turn a large formerly mudflat beach into usable white sand beach for tourism right neat the city center of Phuket proper. This will provide just over 3 kilometers of area for Phuket to build resorts and casinos along the beachfront. The RNCEC will assist Thailand and interested hotel and casino chains from other countries in filling up the new strip, however at least one spot must be reserved for Russia's Azimut Resort Chain which will be building a casino. Just behind the major resort strip at Mu Ban Chao Le, the RNCEC will also assist in major bar and nightclub construction to feed these hotels and the rest of Phuket's tourist industry. The Russian Federation will invest $15 Bn into this project, and expects that it will return a considerable amount for Thailand, especially off of the gambling and tourism boom it will cause, dragging tourists from China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, and Western nations. Russia will not seek a holding on the Phuket investment as it will purely serve for Thailand's benefit as a token of Russian goodwill.

Stability, Security, and CSTO Cooperation

The Russian Federation understands that Thailand has been experiencing issues with its military force after the junta was ousted from power. As discussed prior, Thailand has been admitted to the CSTO as an observer, and will be receiving Russian training, assistance, and armament during this time because of its commitment to the organization. The Russian Federation has formerly discussed with Thailand sending a security and training force that will help prevent a counter-coup and begin preparing Thailand's new officer corps. The Russian Ministry of Defense has agreed to send a 2,000 soldier training and security force to Bangkok, Thailand that will focus on educating its new officer corps and retraining Thailand's military force in CSTO doctrine and tactics. The FSB and the State Security Service will each send an attache to work alongside the National Intelligence Agency by training their forces and conducting joint operations. The Russian Spetsnaz GRU will send 100 soldiers to teach the Royal Thai Army Special Warfare Command at their Special Warfare School. In reciprocation, Russian forces will gain an understanding in fighting in the harsh jungles of South East Asia.
After three years of continued commitment to the CSTO, CSTO-Thai relations have increased exponentially, and have only been cemented through the recent economic developments. The Russian Federation has extended an invitation for Thailand to join as a full-member of the CSTO that will entitle them to all the protection benefits, economic benefits, and cross-cultural training. The CSTO is ready to make new commitments to Thailand after Russia has shown Thailand that it can fulfill its original promises. If Thailand agrees to this commitment, Thailand will receive a CSTO package of the latest equipment, and discounts on all proceeding equipment, in addition to admission to the current joint-training rotations, and full participant status in exercises that will include Aerial, Ground, Naval, and Special Forces. A special joint training will be opening in Thailand due to its uniqueness that will include other full-members.
The Russian Federation is interested in executing a lease for a naval-air base in Thailand at Trat. The Russian Federation plans to base the 2,000 troops there mentioned earlier in the discussions. The Russian Federation would like to take a lease for 20 years on Trat at $500 Mn a year, at 4.6% interest. Russia will pay the rent annually including interest to the Thai Government for the lease, to be renegotiated at the end of the 20 year period. Thailand will be able to cancel the lease at their choosing at any point in time, however if it is cancelled in the first 10 years of the lease, they will be required to backpay all the rent and the interest for a lack of fulfilling the agreed lease. Russian forces will leave uncontested if requested under these terms. From years 11 to 20, the Russian Federation can have the lease cancelled by Thailand without requiring backpay. Russia will not be required to pay the rest of the interest or payment for the lease, and will receive the rent and interest payment back only for the current year. Russia will be allowed to dismantle the base and destroy any equipment not brought with them when departing. The land the base sits in will not belong to the Russian Federation at any point in time, they will be granted usage rights.
submitted by Erhard_Eckmann to Geosim [link] [comments]

I Tried to Scam the Devil (update)

Part 1
Lucas and Jessica followed me down a series of concrete stairs that led into the basement of a Christian Youth hostel. At the bottom of the stairs we moved along a narrow dimly-lit passage, the walls covered by thick red curtains that muffled the sounds of footsteps.
‘This is exciting,’ Jessica breathed, ‘it almost feels…decadent.’ ‘Thailand is full of surprises,’ Lucas said. ‘ninety percent of this country is underground, do you realize that, Joe, foreigners rarely ever get to see the real Siam.’
I didn’t respond.
They were toying with me. I could feel them crawling around inside my head, whispering obscenities in the darkest recesses of my mind. They weren’t human. I’d figured out that whatever else they were, these two definitely weren’t born of woman.
I felt like a stunned animal. I couldn’t get Ravi’s death out of my head. They fucking ripped his skin off like it was Christmas wrapping. I was convinced they were going to do the same thing to me. Just as soon as I stopped being useful to them.
At the end of the passage I knocked three times on a solid steel door. Through a letterbox sized opening a voice said in Thai. ‘What do you want?’
‘It’s Joe,’ I said, ‘I’ve brought some customers.’
There was a closed-circuit camera above the door. I knew we were being watched. Mong, the owner of the gambling den, wasn’t one to take chances, not with the threat of a police raid looming over his head.
Bolts slid back, locks turned, and the door swung open, letting tentacles of cigarette smoke out into the passage.
‘Come in,’ a heavily accented voice said.
In Thailand gambling was illegal – it still is illegal as far as I know – but that didn’t stop gambling dens like The Killing Moon from festering in dark and murky places, with the odd official paid to look the other way.
The Killing Moon was made up of a series of seedy, smoke-filled rooms filled with slot machines, baccarat and roulette tables, high/low dice, poker, pok deng, and other, more obscure games.
The guy who ran this place, Mongkut Panichkul, we called him Mong for short, he was an acquaintance of mine, I’d lured a fair few tourists to his casino over the years and been well compensated in return.
Today The Killing Moon was practically empty. Apart from the bar staff and the dealers there were only three other customers.
Mong came out of a side room and waved at me as I led Lucas and Jessica through the casino. ‘Hey, Joe,’ he called out, ‘good to see….’
He stopped when he saw Lucas and Jessica. He stared at them for a few seconds with a puzzled frown on his face, and then abruptly he whirled and dashed towards the door he’d just come through.
‘Now, that’s just plain rude,’ Lucas called out to him. ‘I thought you’d be pleased to see us, Mong.’ ‘Don’t be like that, honey,’ Jessica said, ‘we missed you so much – didn’t you miss us?’
Mong couldn’t open the door. He was screaming a Buddhist mantra as he yanked and pounded on it, but it resolutely refused to budge.
And all the while Lucas was laughing uproariously.
The staff came running. They didn’t know what the hell was going on. Maybe they thought there was a raid or something. Everyone was yelling at once.
Lucas clapped his hands twice and instantly they all dropped to the ground, staff and customers, like they’d been hit by a lightning bolt. I swear to Christ I’ve never seen anything like it. They were convulsing, screaming, weeping, some of them laughing, others tearing at their eyes. The entire place had gone mad.
Mong stopped hammering at the door and turning slowly, he stared around at his fallen staff, and then his shoulders slumped. He seemed to realize there was no chance of escape.
‘You’ve forgotten our little bargain, Mong?’ Lucas said in fluent Thai, ‘I spared you from the cancer eating away at your brain, and ten years later you give me your eyes. That was the deal.’
‘You’ve got such pretty eyes, Mong,’ Jessica purred, ‘we’ll look after them for you. Promise.’
Mong’s face had drained of color. He staggered forward a few steps and then dropped into the nearest chair with a wheezing grunt. ‘You fucked me over,’ he snarled, ‘you cured my cancer and six months later my only son dies in a car accident, three months after that my wife kills herself….’ He took a deep, sobbing breath, ‘my life has been a living hell….’
‘Well buckle up, Dorothy,’ Lucas mocked as he slowly approached him, ‘it’s about to get a whole lot worse.’
I stared at the staff convulsing and jerking on the ground.
‘Lucas,’ I protested, ‘you don’t have to do this – for Christ’s sake, man, just look at him, he’s terrified….’
Lucas turned and glared at me and my mouth snapped shut in fear. His eyes had turned ink black. I felt like I was staring into two gaping wounds in his face. He was smiling but there was no trace of humor in that smile.
‘Why don’t you take a seat,’ he suggested, ‘this won’t take long.’
Jessica pulled up a seat for me. ‘take a load off, Joe,’ she said as she stroked my cheek, ‘there’s nothing you can do for Mong now. He made his bed. Lucas is going to make sure he lies in it.’
I sat down. ‘Who the hell are you people?’ I hissed.
‘We’re angels, Joe,’ Jessica performed a mock twirl, ‘don’t we look positively angelic?’
‘They’re demons,’ Mong protested. ‘They’re fucking demons, that’s what they are.’
‘You should know,’ Lucas wagged a stern finger at him, ‘you conjured us….’
‘You cheated me,’ Mong insisted, ‘you saved my life and then you took away everything worth living for, that’s how you bastards operate, you turn everything back-to-front….’
Lucas held his hands up. ‘That really hurts my feelings, Mong,’ he said, ‘you really know how to wreck a reunion, don't you, but, you know what, a deal’s a let's get on with it.’
As he spoke Jessica slid up behind Mong, holding the same blade she’d used to earlier de-flesh Ravi in the tailor’s shop.
Mong gave a low moan as Jessica placed her hands on his shoulders.
‘This is going to hurt like a son of a bitch,’ she said as she placed the knife close to his right eye.
I closed my own eyes. I didn’t have the stomach to watch this, but i heard Lucas’ voice whispering in my head.
‘I want you to see this!’
I couldn’t keep my eyes closed, something in his tone of voice seemed to override my will.
I opened my eyes.
I wish to Christ I hadn’t.
He made me watch what Jessica did to Mong. He made me watch every horrifying second of it. I still hear Mong’s screams, I can't get them out of my head, even now, all these years later, I still hear that man screaming.
He struggled like a mad thing, but Lucas held him glued to the chair whilst Jessica carved the eyes out of his head.
And he screamed.
And he screamed.
And he fucking screamed….
When it was all over, Lucas crouched in front of me, dangling a pair of bloody eyes in front of my face whilst Mong continued to shriek in the background.
‘We got what we came for,’ Lucas said, ‘we’re going home now, Joe.’
I braced myself. ‘You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?’ I said.
‘No,’ Jessica said as she cleaned her blade with a napkin, ‘we just wanted to thank you for all your help, Joe, you’re such a sweet heart.’ Lucas nodded. ‘If you want to make a deal with me,’ he said, ‘I’ll see you get whatever you want, wealth, women, power, status, you name it...’ ‘No, I’m good,’ I stammered. ‘I just want to go home…oh, Jesus, please let me go home….’
Lucas smiled and stood up. ‘Maybe we’ll look you up next time we’re in town,’ he said as he handed Jessica his grisly trophies.
She popped one of Mong’s eyeballs into her mouth and started crunching on it. ‘See you around, Joe,’ she said, and with a wink and a smile she headed out the door with Lucas.
I nodded, leaned sideways, and violently threw up.
I left Thailand shortly afterwards. I’ve never been back. I still have nightmares about that day. I still look over my shoulder whenever I walk down the street. I guess the only upside is that I’ve never scammed anyone since.
submitted by ChikeDeluna to nosleep [link] [comments]

Duterte still waiting for China’s ballyhooed bonanza


This article titled Duterte still waiting for China’s ballyhooed bonanza is written by RICHARD JAVAD HEYDARIAN a political analyst in Manila. Mr. Heydarian is affiliated with the Liberal Party, the establishment party that Benigno Aquino belongs to, that doesn't favor closer ties with China at the expense of sovereignty. While some people see Duterte as a anti-establishment candidate, in reality he is part of the elite, and is affiliated with former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo that favors closer economic ties with China. This was evident when she was President.
In the article, Mr Heydarian argues that after 3 years, Duterte has very little to show for in actual investment from China. This is confirmed by this article Playing a losing game with China. All the Philippines has gotten from China right now is about a couple hundred million a year in Chinese investment mainly online casinos which most of the Filipino public and the Chinese government itself want Duterte to shut down. Cambodia shut their online Casinos last month, because of pressure from the Cambodian public and China.
The reality is as far back as a decade ago it was apparent that China didn't consider Philippines strategic. The US$24 Billion in aid and investment that China promised the Philippines was just a promise. Secondly, the reason why Chinese commitment to Philippines has been low is because its more careful lately with disbursing funds for BRI projects, and the Filipino themselves are very careful. Philippines overseas debt is 24% of its F/X reserves. Given China current account balance is moving to balance (small deficits/small surplus), China will be more careful how it lends money overseas in the long run.


Despite China's highly touted Belt and Road Initiative, a US$1 trillion program to build infrastructure worldwide, Japan's infrastructure-related investments are still much larger than China's in Southeast Asia.
His comments came amid festering territorial disputes between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea, which have escalated since a suspected Chinese militia vessel rammed and sank a Filipino fishing vessel at the sea's Reed Bank in June.
China's promise of an infrastructure investment bonanza, funds that were supposed to drive Duterte's touted "Build, Build, Build" campaign, has not arrived, putting into doubt the wisdom of his mostly acquiescent policy in the South China Sea.
Ahead of his election in mid-2016, he made it clear that he prefers warmer ties with China, because "We have to talk and what I need from China is not anger. What I need from China is help to develop my country."
Three years later, among China's ten proposed big-ticket infrastructure projects, only the $60 million Chico River Pump Irrigation Project and another has apparently cleared the preliminary stages of implementation.
Philippine Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III has admitted to several "Roadblocks", including China's initial insistence on using renminbi in aid disbursement, heavy reliance on Chinese workers and managers, and an unwillingness to co-finance projects with other lenders such as Japan and the Asian Development Bank.
However, even more worrying, festering territorial disputes between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea, which have escalated since a suspected Chinese militia vessel rammed and sank a Filipino fishing vessel at the sea’s Reed Bank in June.


Chinese don't consider the Philippines that important, because they are obsessed with the Malacca Strait. China has billions of dollars in Malaysian BRI projects, while very little infrastructure investment in both the Philippines or Thailand for example.
There are three reason for this.
The first is because of Philippines strict environmental laws, there isn't a lot of Chinese investment in mining unlike Indonesia or Myanmar.
The second is conceptual and historical. The Chinese have a 15th century view of Southeast Asia. At the time Philippines was a scattered collection of small kingdoms and tribes. Zheng He passed the Philippines as they sailed through the South China Seas, without making any stops. In contrast, the Japanese have considered the Philippines strategically important during the war and after the war. During the War the Japanese main invasion route into Southeast Asia was from Taiwan to the Philippines and down through Makassar Strait, capturing the oil fields in Borneo and finally to Java.
The third is Filipino are very pro-American, so relations could easily reverse once Duterte steps down.
Despite what many Mainland Chinese think, the friendliest country in Asia toward ethnic Chinese has been the Philippines, not Thailand. The last time there was serious anti-Chinese violence in the Philippines was 17th century. Unlike Thailand, the Philippines never forced Chinese to assimilate by closing Chinese language schools. Some Chinese assimilated, some didn't.
Over the past decade, there have been numerous incident between Chinese Coast Guard and the Philippines naval and Filipino fishermen. Here is a timeline of the incidents between China and the Philippines
Skirmishes, standoffs, harassment in West Philippine Sea
Between 2012-2016, there had been 8 incidents. In 2018-2019, there have been 10 incidents. In the South China Seas, Duterte appeasement of China only increase Chinese harassment, which sends the wrong message to other claimants - that appeasement will make it worse.
During all these incidents, the Filipinos never started like riots like Vietnamese did in 2014, leaving over dozen Mainland Chinese dead.
How do you think people would react in China? Riots were started over incidents with Japan. There are Mainland Chinese harassing people in foreign countries over Hong Kong.
In one incident this year, a Chinese ship rammed a Filipino fishing boat, sinking it. They left the scene, leaving 22 Filipino fishermen in the water. Someone could have died. The Filipino public were upset, but there was no demonstrations let alone rioting.
Chinese think historical and hold grudges, Southeast Asian, particularly Filipinos don't, and are more worried about the present. Filipino's don't care how great China was in the past. They don't obsesses over the Japanese occupation like the Chinese do
Southeast Asia is different from the West, is ordinary people are less concerned with actions of the Chinese government, but with activities of Mainland Chinese in their respective countries. This in turn impacts the overall relations between countries and China. The two biggest areas of concern for Filipinos about Mainland Chinese are:
The Chinese government recognizes both problems, and has told the Philippines government to ban online Casinos. My personal opinion is China could solve these problems and stop illicit transfers overseas, by legalizing casino gambling in Mainland China.
In my opinion, the only major benefit the Philippines has gotten with improved relations with China is the tourist numbering has doubled from 500,000 to 1,000,000. However, tourist number were increasing before the improvement in relations.
If I was in China's position, if I could get something for nothing, I would do the same. I think Duterte's mistake was over promising to the Filipino people of the potential China's bonanza. China didn't cough much aid or investment under Arroyo, and Duterte should have expected that policy should have remained the same.
submitted by weilim to geopolitics [link] [comments]

Couldn't agree more: Legalize the casinos, reformers say

Couldn't agree more: Legalize the casinos, reformers say submitted by jonez450reloaded to Thailand [link] [comments]

Why adding casino update when half of the world can't play...

Hi Reddit!
I recently discovered that more than 50 countries are banned or partially banned from using any casino features in the recent update. Here's the list :
Should Rockstar do something about this? Will this be a disadvantage for those who can't use casino?
Have a nice day!
submitted by duk2kys to GrandTheftAutoV [link] [comments]

Banned activities or foods/drinks in certain places - what, where, why and when?

Disclaimer: The below post is IC [in-character] for indexing purposes if people search for gambling law-related things.
In Alker City, California [close to Los Angeles, but not part of it politically] , all gambling is prohibited with the sole exception of:
However, some people have found a loophole and have invested in Native American gaming [ (Indian casinos) ] to side step Alker City's prohibition on casinos.
Going from an /legaladvice and /legaladviceofftopic standpoint, it's technically illegal to gamble in your own home in Alker City, but no-one really enforces that.
Moving from the U.S. to the Thai city of P̀āmaphr̂āw, within the city itself, local law prohibits the following:
  • Restaurants that serve meat and vegetarian dishes must not be within the same zone together on the same street.
  • The coconut forest [which gives the town its name] is a protected area, and timber-harvesting is banned.
  • Promoting religion or proselytizing is not permitted [the exception being Buddhist temples in the town, which are grandfather clause-d into the area, and Thailand's following of Buddhism] [since the 1980s]
  • Elephants may not be brought within the city limits at any time, unless for zoological purposes and thus being transported through town. [since the 1980s]
  • Military surplus and military items may not be legally sold in any shops.
  • Although technically illegal in Thailand, cannabis is a crime but it goes unenforced here. Despite Thailand's extremely strict drug possession laws, police corruption in Pamaphraw is such that they do not enforce drug laws and as such, the city is a de facto place where drugs are common.
Unlike some of Thailand, public displays of affection and romance seem to be celebrated, as this town is less ethnically Thai than some other towns, and has more of a broader range of demographics - Australian, Indian, Thai-Chinese and Japanese-Thai are the majority, with native Thai people an ethnic minority here.
What are your things that are banned, and why?
I'm interested to know!
submitted by axc86_worldbuilding to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

Salim Prodhan placed on 4-day remand

Salim Prodhan placed on 4-day remand
Online casino businessman Salim Prodhan and his two associate were remanded for four days in a case filed for dealing illegal drugs on Thursday morning. The names of his associates are Akhtaruzamman and Roman.
Salim Prodhan
The court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md Mainul Islam passed the order after Gulshan police produced them before the court and pleaded to put them on total 7-day remand for each in connection with the case filed under the Narcotic Control Act.
Earlier, Metropolitan Magistrate Dhiman Chandra Mandal granted a petition to show the trio arrested in the same case, police source said.
On September 3O, RAB-1 arrested Salim from the Dhaka airport while he was leaving the country for Thailand.
During a raid on his house and office, RAB seized Tk 1 crore in local and foreign currencies. His two associates --Akhtaruzzaman and Roman-- were arrested from his Gulshan residence.
Forty-one bottles of foreign liquor, 12 passports, 32 cheques, a laptop, a desktop and five master cards were also seized during the drives.
On October 1, a RAB mobile court sentenced Salim to six months in prison for possessing two deer skins.
submitted by allbanglanewspaper to allbanglanewspaper [link] [comments]

For my Kant and 19th Century German Philosophy course, I wrote a commentary on recent US political changes by applying Hegel’s dialectic method as an interpretive schema.

The formatting below is pretty ugly so here is a direct link to a PDF of the document.
Disclaimer: I am not majoring in philosophy. It is an upper division general education course. I started doing research about a week before but realized on Sunday that I did not actually completely understand the dialectic process. I’m still not sure if I have correctly. I started writing Sunday at 12pm, wrote until 6am, slept, continued at 10am and submitted it at 4pm on Monday. If I had done this a week ago, I could have asked my professor for feedback but I am taking the class credit/not credit so I just needed to pass. Also, I’m a terrible procrastinator.
Feedback is welcomed!!! :)
edit: I just realized I was braindead upon finishing and didn’t proofread. Sorry for the mess. I will fix it tomorrow. ~~
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 – 1831) was a predominant figure in 19th century German philosophy. He contributed widely to German Idealism, a philosophical movement spurred as a reaction to Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Generally, idealism is the theory that fundamental reality is made up of one’s thoughts or ideas. It holds that one cannot be certain that any matter of the outside world exists and that the only thing truly knowable is consciousness. Hegel achieved significant renown in his day, given his first book, Phänomenologie des Geistes, was his most thoroughly discussed philosophical work. Since the German word ‘geist’ is understood through multiple definitions, the title may translate to either The Phenomenology of Spirit or The Phenomenology of Mind. In this book, Hegel applied his three-stage dialectical method as an interpretive schema to understand and analyze the life of one’s spirit. According to The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “‘Dialectics’ is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory process between the opposing sides.” In Plato’s Republic, he presented a basic form of a dialectic as a back-and-forth argument between Socrates and his students. Socrates posed the question, “What is justice?” and goes on to refute each student’s answer; forcing each student to refine their belief by adopting Socrates’ refutation and forming a more sophisticated view. A central term in Hegelian dialectics is the verb ‘aufhebeng’, which, in this context, translates to ‘to sublate’ or ‘to cancel and to preserve at the same time’. In Plato’s example, each of Socrates’ student’s original belief is sublated with Socrates’ challenge to adopt the more sophisticated view. The students cancel parts of their original belief while simultaneously preserving sophisticated pieces to combine with Socrates’ challenge. This process of ‘aufhebeng’ may happen multiple times within a single ‘dialectical conflict’.
The fundamental premise of Hegel’s dialectic method is to understand history as a sequence of ‘dialectical conflicts’. The purpose of the Hegel’s dialectic method is to achieve spiral evolution of higher thinking by using the process of ‘aufhebeng’. Each conflict begins with what is called the ‘in-itself’ moment. This ‘in-itself’ moment is merely potential for a reality to be actualized. The reality one is concerned with is implicit, or implied, in the moment. The German phrase Hegel used, ‘an-sich’, directly translates to ‘in-itself’, but is better understood when colloquially translated to ‘by-itself’. The reality is ‘by-itself’, or implicit, in this moment. The reality must be exteriorized, or made explicit, so one can actualize it. In Plato’s The Republic, reality was the adoption of a more sophisticated view. If a student provided an answer to Socrates’ question, the reality would be implicit, or ‘by-itself’, and not explicit to the student. Without additional information, a student would be unable to form a view more sophisticated than that of their own answer. Additionally, it would be impossible for Socrates to negate the student if the student never initially provided an answer. When Socrates negated their answer, he exteriorized the reality of adopting a more sophisticated view by explicit telling them the more sophisticated view in the form of an argument. The moment in which reality is exteriorized, or explicit, is called the ‘for-itself’ moment. Since dialectics rely on a contradictory process, the ‘for-itself’ moment must negate, or contradict, the ‘in-itself’ moment in order to exteriorize reality. Once reality is explicit, the process of ‘aufhebeng’ starts and creates an ‘in-and-for-itself’ moment by eliminating flaws from the first two moments and leaving behind ideas and elements that hold true for both. For Plato, the student forms a new, more sophisticated view by disregarding the flaws in their own view while preserving the sophisticated elements in both their own and Socrates’ view. Once complete, the ‘in-and-for-itself’ moment serves as the ‘in-itself’ moment for a new dialectical conflict. Hegel believed that by allowing the ‘in-and-for-itself’ moment to serve as the next ‘in-itself’ moment, the dialectical process would result in the spiral evolution of higher thinking because the newly actualized reality would contain potential for another ‘new reality to be actualized’. For example, once a student adopted the more sophisticated view, Socrates refuted it in the form of an argument, effectively exteriorizing the implicit reality contained in the new ‘in-itself’ moment. A student would proceed to form a more sophisticated view point from an already formed ‘more sophisticated viewpoint’. Using more simplistic terms, one can understand this process as: problem → reaction → solution, where the problem contains an implicit solution and the solution provides a new problem that contains a new implicit solution. Going forward, these three moments will be referred to in accordance with Johann Fichte’s commentary, which uses thesis, antithesis and synthesis in place of ‘in-itself’, ‘for-itself’ and ‘in-and-for-itself’. The most effective way to understand Hegel’s dialectic method is to use it to analyze the progression of history.
Hegel’s dialectic can be used as an interpretive schema to understand and analyze the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. In 100BCE, Gaius Julius Caesar was born into a patrician family that politically aligned itself with plebeian politicians (Watkins). In 84BCE, after his father’s death, Julius Caesar married the daughter of revolutionary Gaius Marius, a Roman general and statesmen who held office of consul seven times. When Lucius Sulla, opponent of Marius, gained control of Rome, he ordered Caesar to divorce his wife. Caesar refused, irrevocably committing himself to the plebeian-popular side of politics in Rome. Caesar fled the anti-revolutionary forces and served in the Roman army until Sulla’s death in 78BCE (Watkins). Once free from Sulla, Julius Caesar returned to Rome and served in government as a prosecution attorney. Caesar’s first major case was against an associate of Sulla but the court was composed of senators who sympathized with Sulla’s anti-revolutionary movement and did not charge the associate. Over the next years, Caesar asserted himself into Roman government, organized a private army to defend attacks from Mithridates VI and worked with Pompey, a former lieutenant of Sulla, to repeal constitutional reform enacted by Sulla himself (Watkins). From 69BCE to 61BCE, Julius Caesar served his term as quaestor in Farther Spain, was elected to the office of aedile and held public festivals in order to solicit support from plebeians. Most importantly, by 59BCE, Caesar had formed an unofficial alliance with his old political friend, Pompey, and another former lieutenant of Sulla, Marcus Crassus (Bishop, 7). Caesar was a popular politician who was known for favoring the common peasant. Pompey was a political and military leader renowned for his victories in Italy and West Asia. Lastly, Marcus Crassus was a property speculator, the largest landowner and richest man in Rome. Angered that the senate constantly threw out their proposed bill, the alliance aimed to overcome the senate’s opposition by influencing Caesar’s election into the consul (Bishop, 7). Despite the senate’s efforts, Caesar is successfully elected in 59BCE and his entrance into the consul marked the beginning of the dialectical conflict.
By challenging the senators, enacting reform and expanding the Republic’s borders, Caesar asserted himself into government and gave potential to actualizing the reality of establishing a new government in place of the Republic. Since this reality was still implicit, as nothing had yet exteriorized it, no one was able to create an entire, new government. As a member of consul, the first law Caesar introduced distributed government owned land in Italy to the landless poor for the purpose of farming. This law did not receive explicit opposition from the senate, but neither did it receive explicit support (Bishop, 7). In 58BCE, Julius Caesar was designated governor of Cisalpine Gaul, Transalpine Gaul and Illyria for five years. Wanting dramatic military success, Caesar found an excuse to invade Gaul and earn what he always sought. In 53BCE, at the Battle of Carrhae, Marcus Crassus perished in war, effectively disbanding the alliance and deteriorating the relationship between Caesar and Pompey (Watkins). With Caesar still fighting in Gaul, Pompey revealed to Rome that he was truly ambivalent toward Caesar and proceeded to ally with Caesar’s enemies. The Roman senators demanded Caesar turn over his army’s control to the government, but Caesar chose a civil war over laying down his command. After forcing Pompey to flee and defeating the rest of his troops, Julius Caesar became the prominent figure of the Roman state, where he enforced his power as ‘dictator in perpetuity’ (Bishop, 7).
A group of senators feared for the safety of the Roman Republic so in 44BCE, they conspired against and successfully assassinated Julius Caesar at a senate meeting. Caesar’s removal from government served as the antithesis, or negation, to his assertion into government. Just like Socrates’ refutation, this antithesis would be impossible if Caesar initially failed to assert himself over the government. Caesar’s murder caused prominent figures still remaining in the Republic to fight for the right to govern it (Bishop, 8). The potential to create a new form of government had now been exteriorized by Caesar’s death because the remaining figures realized that whoever came out victorious, would govern the Roman Republic and be able to form an entire new government. Finally, fifteen years later, in 29BCE, Caesar’s great-nephew, Gaius Octavianus, returned to Rome as the unchallenged ruler of the Republic and started the process of ‘aufhebeng’. Octavianus maintained old republican political institutions by preserving the Senate, popular assemblies, and magisterial offices (Bishop, 8). On the contrary, him and his successors removed parts of the original government and built a system of imperial government that would tend to the empire’s vast territories and connect them with the capital (Bishop, 8). The government Octavianus created, which would come to be known as The Roman Empire, served as the synthesis for Caesar’s assertion into and removal from government by actualizing the original, implicit reality. Just like the politics in the Roman Republic and Empire, the legislation of United States presidencies can be analyzed and understood using Hegel’s dialectic schema.
Barack Obama was born in 1961 in the state of Hawaii, just two years after it was officially inaugurated. After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, Obama enrolled in Harvard Law School. He became a civil rights attorney while teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago and representing the 13th District for three terms (“President Barack Obama.”). Obama gained national attention from his landslide win during the November 2004 Senate election. Four years later, on November 4th, 2008, Obama defeated John McCain in the general election and became the first African American elected to serve as president. Obama was inaugurated on January 20th, 2009 and within the first few minutes, his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, issued an order that suspended last-minute executive orders and regulations signed in by outgoing President George W. Bush (“Obama Halts All Regulations Pending Review.”). Additionally, he aimed to strengthen relations with the Middle East by immediately calling for what was to be a “new beginning” between the United States and the Muslim world (“Obama in Egypt Reaches out to Muslim World.”). To do this, Obama pursued a military strategy in the Middle East that emphasized drone strikes, special forces and diplomacy over large ground troop operations (Sanger). Just like his first few minutes in office, Obama’s eight years were characterized by significant accomplishments.
In November of 2009, President Obama announced the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an agreement between the United States and 11 other countries, which would bring jobs back to American soil and boost economic trade between the United States and Asia by increasing American exports to the Asia-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific region is responsible for forty percent of global trade and includes some of the most robust economies (“Obama Administration Accomplishments”). The Trans-Pacific Partnership would eliminate 18,000 different tariffs placed on exporting goods produced domestically. Ninety-five percent of the world’s customers exist outside of the United States’ borders. The United States Trade Representative used a Vietnamese auto parts buyer as an example of a customer. A Vietnamese person would have to pay a twenty-seven percent tax on a part made in the United States but only a five percent tax on a part made in Thailand because of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (“TPP Chapter Summary”). Obama was an advocate for free trade agreements because they allow a country’s exports to increase while creating additional jobs domestically.
Many times, during his presidency, Barack Obama described climate change to be the greatest long-term threat facing the world (Davis). In 2013, Obama bypassed Congress by directly ordering the EPA to place limits on carbon emissions. Additionally, in 2015, Obama unveiled the Clean Power Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by twenty-six to twenty-eight percent by the year 2025 (Davenport). Obama’s campaign to fight climate change ended up finding more success at the international level than the national. At the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, nearly every country in the world agreed to a climate deal in which each nation committed lowering their greenhouse gas emissions. This deal, the Paris Agreement, was adopted by over 195 countries and attempted to create the, “bridge between today’s policies and climate neutrality before the end of the century” (“Paris Agreement”). In September 2016, toward the end of Obama’s second term, the United States joined China in participating in the first-ever, universal, legally binding global climate deal (Somander). Collectively, the United States and China contribute to over forty percent of global emissions so successfully entering into this deal with China was a major accomplishment for the Democratic Party.
One of Barack Obama’s most controversial actions during his presidency was when he established policy by a memorandum issued from the Department of Homeland Security. This policy allowed certain immigrants to escape deportation and receive a two-year work permit that was renewable if the applicant displayed good behavior. Those who were under the age of 31 on June 15, 2012, had come to the United States when they were younger than 16 and lived in the United States since 2007 were eligible to apply (Napolitano). This policy came to be known as the ‘Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals’, or more commonly, ‘DACA’. Many republicans opposed this program and denounced it as an abuse of executive power. In 2013, the House of Representatives voted 224 to 201 in favor of defunding the program, but since the program is almost entirely funded by application fees, Congress did not have the power to do so (Werner). DACA continued to be an active program until the end of Obama’s second term. Barack Obama wasn’t elected into the White House because of his experience nor for his role as a party leader. Obama hadn’t served as a governor of a state or as a general in the army. He didn’t even inherit the presidency because of an impeachment or death. Obama was elected purely for himself: his message, his persona and what he symbolized.
Donald Trump was born and raised in the Queens borough of New York City. After earning an economic degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Trump purchased his family’s real estate business and expanded it to involve the construction and renovation of skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses (“Donald J. Trump.”). He went on to start various side ventures while making sure he remained in the light of the media. Donald Trump co-authored several books and produced and hosted The Apprentice, a reality game show on television. Over his years as a businessman, Trump gained notoriety for his racist and sexist views, which he made obvious during his campaign (Baker). Trump entered the 2016 presidential race as a Republican and defeated sixteen opponents in the primaries. Like Obama, Trump didn’t win because of his experience in government. Donald Trump was elected purely for himself: his message, his persona and what he symbolized. In his announcement speech, Trump drew attention to illegal immigration, offshoring of American jobs, the U.S. national debt, and Islamic terrorism (Trump). After defeating Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump became the oldest and wealthiest person ever to assume the presidency, the first without prior military or government service, and the fifth to have won the election despite losing the popular vote.
Once his position as the 45th President of the United States was secured, on November 21st, 2016, in a video message, Trump introduced an economic strategy that negotiates “fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back onto American shores.” (“Trump Says US to Quit TPP on First Day in Office.”). As part of this plan, Trump confirmed that the United States intents to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership on his first day in office. Two months later, on January 23rd, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Though Trump’s actions were criticized by other politicians like John McCain, Senator Bernie Sanders applauded Trump for pulling out of the partnership. Sanders believes that the Unites States participates in too many free trade agreements, “that cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and a ‘race to the bottom’, which has lowered wages for American workers.” (Smith). As recently as January 9th, 2018, the United States Environmental Protection Agency announced an agenda for the year that is set to replace Obama’s Clean Power Plan and Waters of the United States rule (Reuters Staff). Additionally, according to the fiscal 2019 proposal released on February 12th, 2018, the United States government plans to reduce the EPA’s budget by $2.5 billion, almost twenty-three percent (Dennis). On March 8, 2018, Donald Trump signed an order imposing import tariffs of twenty-five percent on steel and ten percent on aluminum, with exemptions for Canada, Mexico, and possibly other countries (“Trump Tariffs: US President Imposes Levy on Steel and Aluminium.”). Lastly, on September 5th, 2017, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, announced that the ‘Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals’ program was being repealed. Sessions claimed that the DACA eligible individuals were lawbreakers who adversely impacted the wages and employment of native-born Americans (Smith). Sessions also attributed DACA as a leading cause behind the surge in unaccompanied minors coming to the United States from Central America. Regardless of whether the Trump administration’s decisions were correct, it’s legislative actions are negations of Obama’s implementation of the law.
The implementation of Barack Obama’s policies served as a thesis for this dialectical conflict. Donald Trump’s complete removal and replacement of Barack Obama’s policies will serve as an antithesis for this dialectic. Just like Socrates’ refutation and Caesar’s murder, Donald Trump’s complete removal and replacement of Barack Obama’s policies would be impossible if Barack Obama had initially failed to even implement the policies. Currently, the reality one is concerned with is still implicit because it has not been fully exteriorized yet. For reality to be exteriorized, the thesis needs to be fully negated by the antithesis. For example, currently, the Trump administration is having legal issues with the rescission of DACA as it is being challenged in court by fifteen different states. Once the Trump administration is able to completely repeal the actions of the Obama administration, the antithesis will have formed, and reality will become explicit and able to be actualized. If President Trump is able to fully repeal Obama’s policies, the general public should be able to realize that electing a president from the far Right directly after a president from the far Left will make no progress. The general public should understand, in order to make progress, they must elect a president that is able to serve as the synthesis for the dialectic. The general public must elect a president that is moderate, not democratic or republican. The reality one is concerned with here is of a presidency that is a synthesis of Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
If Donald Trump is successful in completely removing Barack Obama’s policies, according to Hegel’s dialectical method, what should result with the next presidency is a synthesis that removes the flaws from Obama’s policies while preserving the superior ideas. The process of ‘aufhebeng’ would sublate Obama’s superior ideas with the policies of Trump in order to form what should be a more sophisticated president. If Trump’s modifications to the Environmental Protection Agency results in an overall worsening of the United States’ environmental quality, then the original restrictions placed by Obama would be captured in the synthesis of the next president. Contrarily, if Trump’s repealing of DACA resulted in a lowering of unaccompanied minors coming to the United States from Central America, then Trump’s repeal of DACA would be captured in the synthesis of the next president. This careful analysis would be done for each legislative action taken by either president. Additionally, according to Hegel’s spiral evolution of higher thinking, the next president would serve as the thesis for another dialectical conflict. Through Hegel’s spiral evolution, one is able to eliminate less critical thinking, but must depend on an antithesis to exteriorize reality and actualize higher thinking. One is unable to conclude whether the action taken by the thesis is best serving the country until an antithesis is able to negate that action and exteriorize the implicit reality. The next presidency will be a synthesis of the past two only if President Trump is able to fully negate President Obama’s policies.
Works Cited
Baker, Peter. “A President Who Fans, Rather Than Douses, the Nation's Racial Fires.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 12 Jan. 2018,
Bishop, Paul A. “Rome: Transition from Republic to Empire.”
Davenport, Coral. “Obama's Strategy on Climate Change, Part of Global Deal, Is Revealed.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 31 Mar. 2015,
Davis, Julie Hirschfeld, et al. “Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are 'Terrifying'.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 8 Sept. 2016,
Dennis, Brady. “Trump Budget Seeks 23 Percent Cut at EPA, Eliminating Dozens of Programs.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 12 Feb. 2018,
“Donald J. Trump.” The White House, The United States Government,
Gardner, Sebastian. “Hegel: Glossary.” Philosophy Faculty,
Hegel, Georg W. F. Phenomenology of Spirit. Oxford Paperbacks.
Maybee, Julie E. “Hegel's Dialectics.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 3 June 2016,
Napolitano, Janet. Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children. Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children.
“Obama Administration Accomplishments.” United States Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President,
“Obama Halts All Regulations Pending Review.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 20 Jan. 2009,
“Obama in Egypt Reaches out to Muslim World.” CNN, Cable News Network, 4 June 2009,
“Paris Agreement.” European Commission, European Union, 16 Feb. 2017,
“President Barack Obama.” President Barack Obama, The White House, 26 Oct. 2009,
Redding, Paul. “Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 4 Aug. 2015,
Reuters Staff. “Exclusive: Trump's EPA Aims to Replace Obama-Era Climate, Water...” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 11 Jan. 2018,
Sanger, David E. “Even With a 'Light Footprint,' It's Hard to Sidestep the Middle East.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 18 Nov. 2012,
Smith, Allan. “Reaction to Trump's Withdrawal from TPP Doesn't Fit Cleanly along Party Lines.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 23 Jan. 2017,
Somander, Tayna. “The United States Formally Enters the Paris Agreement.” President Obama, The White House, 3 Sept. 2016,
“TPP Chapter Summary.” Trans-Pacific Partnership,
Trump, Donald. “Presidential Announcement Speech.” 16 June 2015, Trump Tower, New York, NY.
“Trump Says US to Quit TPP on First Day in Office.” BBC News, BBC, 22 Nov. 2016,
“Trump Tariffs: US President Imposes Levy on Steel and Aluminium.” BBC News, BBC, 8 Mar. 2018,
Watkins, Thayer. “A Timeline of the Life of Julius Caesar.” A Timeline of the Life of Julius Caesar,
Werner, David. “Fee Exemptions and Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals .” University of Miami Law Review, 16 Oct. 2013,
submitted by bobwont to philosophy [link] [comments]

How they abused GreedisGood to control at least 80% of the cryptocurrency industry - Part 1.

Before we begin, I would like to mention that they'll attempt to downvote the thread to death. When someone speaks the truth, attempting to cite that they are fraudulent, they quickly deploy their bought shill accounts operated by monkeys working out of an office located somewhere in the South East Asian jungle.
I'm not allowed as per the Reddit regulations, as well as the moderators on the sub, to provide images or information that could be harmful, illegal or personal. So in this thread I will use evidence that is publicly available, you can then decide whether you find the information provided legitimate or not.
First: - Monaco (CEO was previously involved with Ensogo) 'On June 21, 2016, Ensogo announced that it will shut down all South East Asia operation (including Hong Kong) and its CEO Kris Marszalek has resigned; it also requests ASX to suspend shares trading. The unprecedented shutdown affected operations in several countries; workers in Singapore found the office was closed, Hong Kong sellers call for police investigation of fraud and certain stores in Thailand rejecting deals purchased by consumers, though the Consumer Protection Board is expected to summon Ensogo executives for remedial issues.
Second: Monaco competition and partnership with Binance. Binance states it's a strategical cooperation. With a simple understanding about business and partnerships, you'll understand that Binance doesn't have much to benefit from this, Monaco also claim to have given away a 'Lamborghini' valued over $300k.
Third: Quoinex aka Qryptos aka Liquid competition together with Monaco.
Will put this post short and rephrase it better when I have time.
Skrill is nowadays a payment platform for casinos and poker players mainly, not surprised to see that they have very common interests as Dragon Coin, sponsoring sports teams etc. Skrill also decided to exit from the London Stock Exchange similarly as to Ensogo.
That's what I can do for now, as I am not permitted to post things that are private, illegal or provides personal information that hasn't already been publicized. So in the mean time, my suggestion is stay away from the tokens and companies mentioned above. But you do as you please with the information provided :-)
submitted by ChopSueyx to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Straight Flush - A Community Created Bonus Mission

Straight Flush - Community Created Bonus Level

Level Name: Straight Flush Location: Bangkok Night Target(s): "The Crime Lord, "The Sheikh"
Briefing: "Good evening, 47. Your targets are one Henry Viceroy, millionaire British crime lord, and Sheikh Afzal El-Hashem, an Arabian casino tycoon who uses his wealth to fund criminal and terrorist enterprises all over the globe. After the death of Thomas Cross, the hotel was put up for property auction and ended up being sold to El-Hashem, who quickly set to work transforming it into a luxury casino, while still retaining the general look the previous owner had set. Naming it the Golden Lotus, he called in some workers from one of Viceroy's secondary businesses, to whom he was already on good terms with, for a much lower price. However, during the construction, a government inspector and a group of 17 of Viceroy's employees suddenly vanished during a scheduled health and safety check and suspicion was immediately placed upon both men.
However, the criminals used their respective wealth and intimidation to blackmail, coerce and kill their way to innocence, destroying any evidence of criminal intent. This did, however, cause a rift between the two men, and ICA sources indicate that their relationship has been getting worse and worse, and the Sheikh's funding less and less.
Our client, the Royal Thai Government, has been gathering information on both the men, with the help of the British M16, and has finally collected enough to warrant a contract. They have told us that the casino is to be holding a gala for all, with some of Thailand's social elite; a night of gambling and drinking for the benefit of the El-Hashem, and for the further endorsement of Viceroy.
I will leave you to prepare, 47, good hunting."
Map Description: The hotel has been converted into a casino, and so has had a few changes. The trees and plants are now much straighter and uniform, the butterflies are gone and the main colour palette contains dark reds, dark greys, whites and greens. At the front door, there is a large rotating poker chip sign that reads, "The Golden Lotus - Casino And Hotel". The restaurant has had all the screens removed, and there are poker, blackjack and slots machines riddled around the room. The food stand now has party food instead of full meals: cocktail sausages, sandwiches, steaks, etc. The kitchen is basically the same, just with more boxes and crates around. The main lobby has basically the same layout, just with a disco ball and slot machines lining the walls. The hotel rooms have been done up in a more modern style, and are occupied by some very rich folk. Upstairs, above the old restaurant, the two Abel de Silva rooms are the restaurant and private smoking libraries respectively.
Unavailable Areas:
Unique Disguises:
Minor Disguises:
Opportunities - Sheikh Afzal El-Hasem:
Opportunities - Henry Viceroy:
submitted by Targent_Bronev to HiTMAN [link] [comments]

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submitted by saengcathphimwili to u/saengcathphimwili [link] [comments]


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submitted by saengcathphimwili to u/saengcathphimwili [link] [comments]


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There are many casinos around the world that are important and people are in a lot of luck. This casino usually opens up under five star hotels, where the opening of casinos is available in foreign countries, which in Thailand do not open casinos because gambling is considered illegal. Therefore, it is impossible to open a casino in Thailand.
For the casinos, there are people who are interested in most of them are in large countries and people frequented the service without a break. Casinos are ideal for those who like to gamble and challenge. In the casino is a collection of gambling, so that we can choose to play as we like and good for the best casino in the world.
This may be known by people around the world. The luxury and excellence in the source of the skill. And a place to invest money on the issue of gambling. The casinos are giant Venetian Macao in China as a hotel and Baccarat Online The largest in the world Use a lot of budget and now become the world's most popular tourist destination.
submitted by saengcathphimwili to u/saengcathphimwili [link] [comments]


If you are one of the lucky ones. You are the one who is not far away from betting games or gambling. The lottery will be out to buy a lottery. I bought almost every number. If the lottery out, then do not buy it would be jittery.
If this is the case, then you are a gambler and you like betting games. Online casino It's special. It is not serious for the lottery, whether it is an underground lottery or a lottery lottery. Because no one buys.
No one plays lottery, and the lottery will be numbered out every time. Why is it true? Lottery is another form of gambling. But gambling has a variety of forms together. Playing a bounce is considered a gambling.
Play in a group or play in a casino or play at different locations. It is considered gambling. But this is illegal. Only lottery tickets are legal now. This is a great way to make money online.
Police officers found the lottery where it was said that the catch was caught. I need to be careful for this offline for parents who like to buy lottery tickets regularly. In the past, there was a normal rule that the lottery or the lottery play is a joke, but not now.
Because of this, the gambler has to recruit gambling activities in Thailand. Online casino to play because we have a little gambling game. Unlike in foreign countries where he has a free casino. You can choose from hundreds of gambling games, gambling games.
submitted by bufet12123 to u/bufet12123 [link] [comments]

thailand casinos illegal video

Irish model faces Thai jail for promoting illegal betting ... Happy Endings - Inside suburban Thai massage parlours ... Thai Prison Fights - YouTube Khaosan Road After Midnight - RAW and UNFILTERED - YouTube 10 LAWS IN THAILAND TO BE AWARE OF! - YouTube Prostitution & Sex ~ Escort Las Vegas Price Whores ... Thai police bust illegal gambling during lockdown.. - YouTube My First Experience In Phuket Thailand TURKS AND CAICOS  NUDE BEACH - YouTube GTA 5 Casino BANNED By Gamble Laws (How To Bypass) - YouTube

Regional police chief transferred over illegal casinos. Meanwhile, Thailand’s national police chief transferred the commissioner of the Provincial Police Region 2 to an inactive position due to the existence of illegal gambling dens in his region. Pol Gen Suwat Jangyodsuk, commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Office, transferred Pol Lt Gen Police suspected Mr Somchai of being involved in the business of many illegal casinos in Rayong and other eastern provinces. The places were blamed for spreading COVID-19 lately. Legal casinos need rigorous standards and require supervision and regulation. When a gambling den is brought in line with such standards, some people will be denied access. As a result, they will return to illegal venues”. “Thailand might end up having both legal and illegal gambling dens which would be worse than now,” he said. The owner is the same group that used to own a big illegal casino in Ubon Ratchathani Province, the specific casino is now shut down. Officials also revealed that they are working hard to shut down more illegal casinos and arrest gamblers all over Thailand, especially when the world is in a battle against Covid-19. Credit: INN News is part of Casino Nation, a global gaming and gambling network consisting of online casinos, igaming portals, news sites, video platforms, vlogs & blogs. The software and underlying technology of this website are provided by the company Vegassoft . Casinos Near Thailand. Another factor in gambling being widespread is all of our land borders have casinos. Wikipedia entry: Poipet can’t help but mention gambling because hosting Thai gamblers is what this Cambodian town is known for. Here the famous Crown Casino has a sportsbook with odds on nearly all football matches form around the world. Since 1935, all land-based casinos in Thailand have been prohibited. The nearest land-based casinos can be found in Cambodia but there are also some illegal gambling rings that operate locally. On the other hand, when it comes to online casinos in Thailand, you can find many top-rated sites serving the market. Thailand Gambling Is Illegal! Aside from the national lottery and limited betting on horse racing, gambling is currently strictly illegal in Thailand. There are no legal casinos in Thailand, and even online casino games such as poker are blocked and banned. As most forms of gambling in Thailand are illegal, it would be foolish to attempt to play. Not only as you run the risk of prosecution, but also to avoid falling foul to an immoral bookmaker or casino operator. However, if you are hell-bent on placing a bet in Thailand, the safest way to do so is to gamble online with an overseas company. Casino gambling is illegal in Thailand. Thai nationals traditionally are regarded as an important target market for some casinos in neighbouring Southeast Asian countries, such as Cambodia. Travel restrictions related by the Covid-19 pandemic have reduced significantly visitor flows between Thailand and other countries.

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