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[S] Swoldow's Survivor: Ghost Island

There have been many mistakes that have been made, and someone needs to reverse the curse...
Swoldow's Survivor has undergone 35 seasons of amazing plays, but sometimes, a few mistakes were made, and as a result, someone gets sent home. However, 20 new castaways have a chance to nullify that bad decision. A new twist, entitled 'Ghost Island' is an island someone can visit in exile, and bid their vote on a chance to get an advantage that has been misused by someone who has played prior to them.

Malolo Tribe:
Naviti Tribe:


Episode 1:
Two tribes of ten are cast away in Fiji, and they are told the theme of this season is making failed decisions. The tribemates are immediately put to the test when they must pick a leader. Breadfruit volunteers without anyone's consent for Malolo, and Mary, being the oldest person on Naviti, is picked for them. They are then told to pick two people to compete in a challenge. Breadfruit picks Snow and Tea and Mary picks Troy and Juliette. Despite their... questionable pick for a leader, Malolo wins the challenge and get a shelter building kit.
At Malolo, Snow immediately starts trying to make a move. She starts to flirt with Ray and the two naturally want to control the game together, forming a showmance they manage to keep well hidden. Wanting to form a group of all people that would be deemed as day one threats, Devon and Kathy are also roped into this new four-person group due to their occupations. The four of them have the strategic ability to pull off many crazy moves. Surf begins to notice the group forming, and doesn't really see that as very tubular so he tries and get Devon to align with him by introducing him to his 'chill sessions.' Unfortunately, Devon hates them, prompting a fight between him and Surf.
At Naviti, Damon immediately wants to take charge of the tribe and starts to build trust with Hope, who he really likes. Trey introduces himself, and people are taken aback about him being a Durante. Trey knows that as soon as people knew his last name, he'd be seen as a threat, so he immediately starts painting targets on the backs of others, getting into a fight with Damon and accusing him of playing too hard, too early. Everyone knows that despite Trey's heritage, Damon is playing way harder than him, and everyone wants to naturally align with Trey. Juliette and Meg bond and open up to eachother, and Juliette sees Meg as an easy vote she can manipulate how she wants. Even Hope is starting to not trust Damon, so she starts to build an alliance, bringing in Trey and Juliette initially. Juliette then adds in Meg, the group decides to bring in Troy as well, and Aline and Brant sneak their way into the group too. Damon, Mary, and R2 are on the outs, as Mary screwed the challenge, Damon is a threat, and R2 has been nervous and hasn't cultivated a relationship.
Naviti wins the first immunity challenge, and they have to pick someone to go to Ghost Island and be absent from tribal. They pick Tea. Upon arriving, she is given the opportunity to wager her vote for a secret advantage, and she manages to win it, as it is an idol clue. Malolo now has to go to tribal, and the tribe isn't very happy with Breadfruit's performance in the challenge, as he stood and did nothing for the majority of it. Everyone on Malolo agrees Breadfruit has to go, except for Surf, who sees Breadfruit as a chill dude and would much rather vote for Madelyn who he doesn't sense good vibes from. Breadfruit wants Roxy out for being a social threat, but nobody wants to work with him. Breadfruit is sent home in a 7-1-1 vote.
Tea gets back from Ghost Island, and scared she hasn't formed any bonds due to being absent from tribal, she shares the idol clue she won with Roxy, who immediately stabs her in the back, finding the idol on her own. This idol was the one Connor never got to play in Blood vs Water. Tea realizes what Roxy did and has a meltdown, not expecting to be lied to, and wanting someone to vote with her alliance as a number, Kathy goes to comfort Tea and the two form a strong connection. Armando, wanting to make bonds starts cooking for everyone, and Roxy takes a liking to him, and the two grow close. Roxy says she'll vote for him if he gets her extra rice servings and Armando, immediately agrees, knowing he can use his skills to make there seem like more rice. At Naviti, Troy finds the legacy advantage Penelope misplayed in Egypt. Troy, wanting someone on the outs as a contingency plan talks to R2 and tells him of the idol to gain his trust. Mary, meanwhile, impresses the team with how much she works around camp. Brant, meanwhile, does the opposite, rubbing everyone the wrong way when he tells them about his gruesome pass-times as a child. He is promptly kicked from the alliance as everyone is disgusted by him.
Malolo wins immunity, and Brant is sent to Ghost Island. He is at peace with the island as it is themed around death, but the advantage isn't available so he just lives in isolation for a night. R2 and Mary want to break up the duo of Juliette and Meg by voting Meg, and Damon wants R2 out for being weak in challenges. Aline has a strategic plan, but she wants to use her Brazilian charms to lay underestimated, so she tells Trey her plan, asking him to propose it to the group, promising she will look out for him if anyone tries to gun for him. Trey agrees. The two propose doing a 3-2-1 split vote between R2, Mary, and Damon, and everyone agrees. Troy is mad R2 plans to be the one everyone plans to send home, as he made a bond with him, but he doesn't want to anger anyone immediately so he goes with the plan. R2 goes home in a 4-2-1 vote.

Episode 2:
The tribes are told that they are swapping really early. The new Malolo tribe has Aline, Armando, Brant, Devon, Surf, Juliette, Kathy, Tea, and Trey, while Naviti has Damon, Hope, Madelyn, Mary, Meg, Ray, Roxy, Snow, and Troy.
The only Malolo alliance is cut in two, with Devon and Kathy hoping Ray and Snow can make it out alive on the other side of things. Malolo has majority, but Surf and Tea haven't voted with them, and would flip if given the option. Trey, Aline, and Juliette retain their original alliance, with Brant as the final Naviti member. Trey starts bonding with Devon, hoping the two could work something out, and they get along nicely. Trey throws Brant's name under the bus, as he is a creep, and Devon also already feel uncomfortable by him.
Both the idols are at Naviti camp, and Troy, Mary, Meg, and Hope run the tribe. Damon doesn't want to work with any of them, as they left him out of the conversation, so he starts to bond with Madelyn. Both were on the bottom of their tribes and they plan to work together. Snow and Ray immediately want to throw Roxy under the bus for being untrustworthy, as they know that they have to convince Naviti to spare them and cut Madelyn and Roxy first.
Malolo wins immunity, and Devon, wanting his alliance to have safety, sends Snow to Ghost Island, where there is no advantage for her. Hope, Mary, Meg, and Troy get together and discuss who they want to vote, and they all see Roxy as the least trustworthy. Ray continues to fuel the fire, by spreading lies about her to the women of Naviti. However, Ray hopes an idol gets played, and he plans to vote for Meg. Madelyn, however, knows what Ray is up to, and is sick of it. She tells Damon to vote for Ray, and then tells Roxy she is being targeted by Naviti. Roxy gets extremely paranoid but knows what she has to do. She plans to vote for Hope, because she sees her as the biggest threat, and at tribal, Roxy plays her idol, negating 4 votes. Her jaw drops, however, when Ray is sent home in a 2-1-1-0 vote.

Episode 3:
Hope and Troy celebrate getting through the vote without anyone from Naviti going, and Mary notices how close Hope and Troy are getting, believing she is the third wheel. She immediately wants more power, so she approaches the outsiders, Damon and Madelyn, and a new alliance is formed. Snow gets back from Ghost Island and is appalled that her showmance was did dirty. She assumes someone from Naviti did it, and wants revenge, so she starts spreading lies about Meg to this newly formed alliance. Kathy continues to try and form as many bonds as possible and makes one with Aline, who she finds interesting due to her culture. Aline continues to play dumb, while secretly running things behind the scenes with Trey. Surf starts eating more and more rice daily, which angers Armando and Tea. Tea gets into a fight with Surf as a result.
Naviti wins reward and Armando is sent to Ghost Island. He gets an available advantage, but doesn't want to wager his vote. Malolo wins immunity, and Naviti goes back to tribal. Snow wants everyone to pay for what happened to Ray, so she starts to have side conversations with those on the bottom to make a majority. She talks to Roxy, telling her they have to vote Meg, and then separately talks to Damon, Madelyn, and Mary. A new majority is formed, and Hope starts to get nervous. She talks to Troy about why nobody is talking to them, and Troy's intuition as a cop is to play his idol. He plays it on Meg, negating 5 votes, and sending Roxy home in a 3-0 vote.

Episode 4:
Despite the original alliance's victory, they are still at a minority, and Snow wants to make sure nobody flips back onto them. She uses her charms to make everyone believe she is an asset to tribal life, and Mary, Damon, and Madelyn still want to work with her to vote out Meg. Trey starts to try and convince a Malolo to flip on his tribe, and believes it is best to try and work Tea to his side. The two talk, but Kathy notices what Trey is trying to do and wants Tea to herself. She continues to bond with Tea as well.
Malolo wins reward and they sent Troy to Ghost Island where he finds nothing. Malolo also wins immunity again, sending Naviti back to tribal. Hope doesn't feel comfortable in her alliance anymore, as it is in the minority, but doesn't want that to be apparent, so she plans to calmly morph into a free-agent while being unnoticed. Snow continues to keep the new trio of Damon, Mary, and Madelyn loyal to her interests, and they see her as a shield. As a result, they all want to stick together and keep the majority. Hope, Meg, and Troy want Mary out next due to being super social, so they gun for her, but Meg is sent home in a 4-3 vote.

Episode 5:
The tribes are told that they are swapping again, but this time, into three tribes. Malolo now has Brant, Damon, Kathy, Madelyn, and Snow. Naviti has Armando, Devon, Surf, Tea, and Troy, and the new Yanuya has Aline, Hope, Juliette, Mary, and Trey.
Damon and Madelyn immediately find out that Snow no longer wants to work with them, as she is finally reunited with her alliance member Kathy, and the two girls spend the whole day talking together. Damon wants to pull a fast one on Kathy so Snow can be loyal to their interests, so he starts to bond with Kathy to lull him under a false sense of security, while continuing to bond with Madelyn. Kathy sees through Damon completely, and tells Snow she wants him gone. Snow and Kathy go looking for an idol and Snow finds it, willing to use it on her ally.
At Naviti, Troy is the easy vote, as he is the only Naviti on the tribe, but Devon still gets paranoid, knowing his alliance wont be there to help him. He immediately starts looking for the idol and finds it. After, he begins to smooth things over, and forms a bond with Armando that could potentially help him down the road.
At Yanuya, Trey does the most when building the shelter and everyone is impressed by him. Using this to his advantage, Trey immediately starts painting a target onto Mary's back, for flipping on her tribe, to his old allies, and both Aline and Juliette continue to want to work with Trey as a result.
Naviti and Yanuya win immunity and Malolo goes to tribal. Damon immediately ropes Brant into his plan to get Kathy out, and Brant is all for it. Neither Snow or Kathy want to talk to Brant as he scares them, so Snow decides to resort to playing her idol to get her out of this mess. They plan to stick to their plan to vote Damon, despite him being needed to be kept around for challenges, and hope this move turns the tribe on it's head. Snow plays her idol on Kathy, negating 3 votes, and Damon is sent home in a 2-0 vote.

Episode 6:
Madelyn begins to get desperate as her number one ally got idoled out, so despite not wanting to talk to him at all, Madelyn makes an alliance with Brant, just to get past one more vote, hoping he would go to rocks for her. At Naviti, Troy tries to find a way to get out of being on the bottom, and starts to bond with Armando. Troy didn't want to have to play dirty, but he decides to, telling Armando that Tea approached him, telling him she wats Armando out. Armando is shocked, and wants Tea gone. At Yanuya, Hope knows that the plan is to vote Mary, but is starting to get extra worried, especially since Trey and Aline are close. She goes looking for the idol and finds it. This is the idol that Art didn't use in Heroes vs Villains II, that he went out with in his pocket.
Malolo and Yanuya win reward, and they send Surf to Ghost Island. Surf decides to test his luck and wager his vote, but ultimately loses the chance game and has no vote at tribal anymore. Yanuya and Malolo win immunity, sending Naviti to tribal. Surf tells everyone he lost a vote on Ghost Island and everyone is intrugued. With Surf being unable to vote, hope is restored to Troy. Devon wants to make a move on Surf because he is vulnerable, and a physical threat as well, and proposes this plan to Troy. Troy however, still wants Tea and Armando to turn against eachother. He then tells Tea that Armando is gunning for her, and now both Tea and Armando want eachother out. Troy can now vote however he wants to, and Tea ends up being the one who gets the short end of the stick, in a 2-1-1 vote.

Episode 7:
The tribes merge, but tribal lines are already dissolving. Naviti has one extra person over Malolo, 7-6, but Mary doesn't want to work with her tribe, and would much rather play with Madelyn. She makes it apparent to her tribe that she is not with them, and this angers the rest of Naviti, who all want to work as a group. Aline receives a note in her buff, allowing her to sneak to Ghost Island at night, and when she gets there, she has the opportunity to wager her vote for an advantage but doesn't take it. Snow wins immunity, and immediately bring the alliance of her, Devon, and Kathy together. They all want Mary out, as she is the least trustworthy naviti left in the game, due to flipping. Mary suddenly realizes the error of her ways, and tries to make it up to her old tribe by doing more around camp, and attempting to establish an alliance between her, Aline, Hope, and Surf, but neither Aline or Hope plan to stick with it, and instead those two girls start to flirt with Surf, manipulating him to vote with their tribe. Wanting to get the hot babes and not really caring about his tribe, Surf gladly accepts. Madelyn attempts to try and flip Brant, trying her best to socialize with him but he doesn't budge. Trey and Troy propose the first vote, and they believe that Armando should go first as he is the biggest physical threat of the tribe. Mary talks with her old ally Madelyn about potentially voting Troy, and begs her new alliance do the same, but Aline, Surf, and Hope already have made their choice on who to vote. Armando becomes the first juror in a 7-4-2 vote.

Episode 8:
With the biggest physical threat out of the way, Naviti now wants to shift their focus to the biggest strategic threats. Troy starts to get a read on the Malolos and doesn't trust Devon at all, so he proposes voting for him. Meanwhile, Mary is fuming mad her new alliance voted against her wishes, and straightup leaves it. Hope also starts to try and become more social. She forms a relationship with both Troy and Trey, two of the bigger threats of the tribe. Brant, Devon, Hope, Madelyn, Mary, and Snow win reward, and they choose to send Trey to Ghost Island. He doesn't find a secret advantage. Aline wins her first immunity challenge, and everyone begins to strategize. Since the Malolo tribe is fractured, Juliette suggests splitting the votes 4-3 between Devon and Madelyn, knowing that someone has to have gotten the Naviti idol during the second swap. Kathy, Snow, and Devon start to feel like their days are numbered, but Devon tells his allies of his idol and plans to play it. The three plan to vote for Mary. Meanwhile, Mary and Madelyn plan to vote Devon, as they always saw him as shifty. At tribal, Devon plays his idol, negating 6 votes, and forcing a 3-3 tie between Mary and Medelyn. A revote occurs, and everyone believes Madelyn will be the one to go home, but Aline, Hope, and Surf are still mad at how she treated them after last tribal. They convince Brant to vote Mary, and Mary becomes the second juror in a 7-3 revote.

Episode 9:
After that tribal, Devon is now public enemy number one, and Madelyn is incredibly mad at him for being the reason his closest ally is now out of the game. She talks to Trey and tells him she wants Devon out at all costs, and Trey plans to use her vote to get Devon out. Brant, Surf, Juliette, Kathy, and Trey win reward, and Hope is sent to Ghost Island, who can wager her vote, but chooses not to. Madelyn wins immunity, to make sure she isn't targeted. The plan seems set to vote out Devon, but Juliette and Aline both are starting to get super uncomftorable around Brant, who they believe could strangle them in their sleep. They both have different options in trying to turn everyone against Brant. Aline starts getting to know Kathy, hoping her and Snow can be the ones to help her, but that backfires, when Kathy tells Snow that Aline is trying to manipulate them, causing both to want to vote for her. Juliette meanwhile does more around camp, so everyone trusts her more. Troy believes that Hope came back with an idol, as she told him she didn't lose her vote, and that makes him super suspicious of her. Juliette tries to convince Trey to help her get Brant out, but Trey tells her it would be foolish to give up the majority to Malolo. Trey, Madelyn, Hope, Surf, and Brant still are voting Devon. Devon becomes the third juror in a 5-3-2-1 vote.

Episode 10:
In this episode, the tribes are told that there will be two different tribals, with two different immunity winners. The first group consists of Hope, Kathy, Madelyn, Snow, and Troy, while the second group has Aline, Brant, Surf, Juliette, and Trey. Kathy and Aline win immunity for their separate groups.
In the first group, there are two duos, of Madelyn and Hope, and Snow and Kathy, and both duos want Troy as their swing vote to get the other duo out. Madelyn tries bonding with Troy, but he already doesn't trust her, and also doesn't trust Hope, who he thinks may have an advantage. Kathy takes a different approach, and actually makes an alliance with Troy to get them through the vote. Naturally, Troy would much rather work with Kathy, and Madelyn starts to believe this, so Hope tells her about her idol. Troy, Kathy, and Snow all agree to vote Madelyn together, as she's been on the outs. At tribal, Hope plays her idol on Madelyn, negating three votes, and making Troy the fourth juror in a 2-0 vote.
In the second group, all five members are aligned, and Trey doesn't want to pick off anyone that is loyal to him, so he recommends going for Surf, but both Juliette and Aline still try to get him to vote off Brant, telling him he gutted a fish and scared them with it once. Trey is immediately weirded out, and agrees Brant is way too unpredictable to keep around. Aline and Juliette promise that the three of them will stick together, and a final three deal is made. Quickly roping in Surf, Brant becomes the fifth juror in a unanimous 4-1 vote.

Episode 11:
With that tribal, Malolo and Naviti are now both even, with four players each. Hope starts to regret her decision of idoling out Troy, and believes that her tribe is now against her. She wants to make a move, and go against social threat Aline, so she talks to Kathy and Snow to see if they're on board, and they are surprisingly compliant. Kathy, wanting Hope to get an advantage to help them, wins reward, shares it with Snow, Trey, and Madelyn, and sends Hope to Ghost Island hoping she gets an idol. Hope, however, decides not to wager her vote, believing that it is too big of a risk if she wants her move to work. Madelyn wins her second immunity, and talks to Trey and Juliette about wanting Snow gone, as she is a social threat. Meanwhile, Hope starts to try and get Surf on board with her plan to vote Aline, but Surf, thinking Aline is hotter, tells Aline of Hope and Kathy's plan. Wanting Malolo numbers down, Aline tells Surf to vote Kathy, and she purposefully defies Juliette and Trey's plan to vote Snow. Juliette tries to enforce the vote to Surf but he argues with her, not wanting to be told what to do. At tribal, voted between Snow and Aline tie, 3-3-2, and on the revote, Surf switches his vote to Snow. Snow becomes the sixth juror in a 4-2 revote.

Episode 12:
Hope continues to drift away from her tribe, and starts to bond with Kathy, who is extremely desperate after losing her closest ally. Juliette and Trey are mad at Aline for defying them, but are still glad they got their desired outcome in the end. The two agree they have to break up Surf and Aline so Aline can be loyal to them. Juliette gets into a fight with Surf and this leads Surf to have a meltdown, wondering why this game is no longer chill anymore. Trey also wants to take extra precaution, and goes looking for an idol. He finds the idol, which is the idol Evan used in Game Changers that accidentally sent Astrid, his ally home. Aline and Juliette win reward and share it with Surf, sending Madelyn to Ghost Island. Madelyn wagers her vote and loses. She wins immunity, however, to make sure nothing goes wrong. At reward, Juliette and Surf make up, and Aline and Surf convince her to vote Hope. Trey, however, comes prepared. He tells Kathy that Surf and Aline want her gone, and it is best to vote Surf. He also ropes in Hope. Surf becomes the seventh juror in a 3-2-1 vote.

With Surf gone, Aline has no choice but to work with Trey and Juliette, and Trey tells her that he has an idol to gain her trust. Hope wins immunity and shares reward with Trey and Kathy. Hope and Kathy need eachother and form an alliance on reward. Juliette and Hope also bond, but Hope knows she's closer to Trey than to her. Aline, Juliette, and Trey plan to split votes between Madelyn and Kathy in case someone from Ghost Island has an idol. Hope and Kathy want Aline out for winning lots of challenges and being super social, and Madelyn wants Juliette out. Trey, believing Aline is getting targeted, plays his idol for her, and two votes are successfully negated. Madelyn becomes the eighth juror in a 2-1-1-0 vote.
Aline wins the next immunity, and it becomes more and more evident to Hope and Kathy that Aline, Trey, and Juliette have a final three deal. Trying to get in on that action, Kathy, now the last Malolo standing, talks to Aline and tries to make a last-minute alliance with her, but Aline wants nothing to do with it, as every Malolo on the jury would vote Kathy. Despite this, they see Hope as the bigger threat between her and Kathy, and a straightforward vote occurs. Hope becomes the ninth juror in a 3-2 vote.
Aline wins the final immunity and now gets to pick who she takes to the top three with her, and who has to make fire. Out of everyone, she knows that Juliette is likely the least likely to win between anyone else, as Trey ran the whole game, and Kathy is the final Malolo standing, so it is pretty obvious who she picks. Kathy and Trey now have to face eachother in the firemaking challenge for the final spot in the final three, and Trey beats Kathy, eliminating the final Malolo from the game.
Aline, Juliette, and Trey face the jury and deliver their closing arguments. Aline talks about how she won four immunities, and also played a great social game, using her charms to manipulate Surf into flipping to give Naviti the edge on the first few merge tribals. Juliette tells everyone that she masterminded the strategy behind the votes, voluntarily splitting in anticipation of Devon's idol play for example. Trey tells everyone about how he went into the game with a huge target on his back, especially since his brother played before and was a huge villain, but he put targets on other people, and ran the votes from start to finish when the merge hit. It was a hard decision, but it the jury ultimately put their votes on who was in on most votes. Aline spent many votes trying to get Kathy out to no avail, and Juliette did the same with Madelyn. As a result, Trey Durante is crowned the winner of Swoldow's Survivor: Ghost Island in a 5-4-1 vote.
Hope is crowned fan favorite due to her idol play on Troy, and her underdog game.

Potential Returnees: Trey, Juliette, Aline, Kathy, Hope, Madelyn, Surf, Snow, Troy

Now that that's done, we will be moving onto a season I've been wanting to simulate for a long time. People from different walks of life will be categorized based off of their stories. One tribe of people who have overcame adversity, and the other, with people with some form of privilege. Signups for Swoldow's Survivor: David vs Goliath coming soon!
submitted by swoldow to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

14 Super Expensive Hotels That'll Make You And Your Bank Account Cry In Pain

  1. Private Island, Cheval Blanc Randheli, Maldives.
  2. The Royal Penthouse Suite at the Hotel President Wilson, Geneva.
  3. Grand Penthouse at The Mark Hotel, New York City.
  4. Delana Hilltop Estate, Laucala Island, Fiji.
  5. Ty Warner Penthouse Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel, New York City.
  6. The Royal Villa, Grand Resort Lagonissi, Athens.
  7. Penthouse Suite at Grand Hyatt Cannes (Hôtel Martinez), Cannes.
  8. The Shahi Mahal Suite at the Raj Palace Hotel, India.
  9. Hugh Hefner Sky Villa at Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas.
  10. Royal Suite at Hôtel Plaza Athénée, Paris.
  11. Presidential Suite at St Regis, New York.
  12. The Royal Suite at St. Regis Saadiyat Island, United Arab Emirates.
  13. Amanyara Villa at Amanyara, Turks & Caicos.
  14. The Bridge Suite, The Atlantis, Bahamas.
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

BJJ4Change Camp Punta Cana REVIEW

Since a few people commented on my previous posts about the camp about getting feedback I thought I'd write a little review in case people are curious about attending other camps with BJJ4Change which I'm sure will happen.
Firstly let me just say I have to apologize as I posted saying I would be doing a podcast with Rodolfo, Cyborg and Abraham Marte which would have been extremely cool and I had some great questions lined up. Unfortunately due to time constraints and different schedules we just couldn't seem to make it come together, maybe next time!
OVERALL: The camp was an amazing experience, not only getting the chance to learn from and train with 3 amazing champions in Rodolfo Vieira, Cyborg Abreu and Abraham Marte. But also due to the amazing, beautiful setting of Punta Cana. I would have to say, hands down, the most amazing hotel/resort I have ever stayed in, greatly beyond my expectations. Overall I would definitely recommend one of these trips if you want to get in a great vacation with a bit of training thrown in the mix.
LOCATION: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic is a truly amazing setting. Basically a town established and revolving around tourism, it kind of reminded me a little bit of Fiji. The weather was great and warm and beaches were beautiful. The resort itself went above and beyond 5 star or at least what I imagined it would be. A massive complex boasting multiple lobbies, casino, nightclub, numerous restaurants and buffets, as well as large pool and gym areas, this location was simply incredible. And did I mention all inclusive? Thats right, everything is included, as much as you can drink and eat, a dangerous combination when it comes to training for some I'm sure haha
INSTRUCTION: The instruction itself was top notch with the camp being 5 days total itself, the middle 3 days revolved around a seminar with one of the head coaches with the other coaches still present for help, general chat and photos.
The first day we were training with Cyborg Abreu who was kind enough to actually ask us what we wanted him to demonstrate rather than just deciding for us. No surprises at all most people mentioned the Tornado Guard. We started off with a few inversion drills as a warm up and then proceeded through a full half guard inversion sweep and then onto the Tornado sweep itself with a few variations, as an instructor himself Cyborg was top notch, conveying information clearly and structured in a way that made it easy to learn, it was easy to see he had taught many seminars before.
Day 2 we were treated to some amazing half guard passes by Rodolfo Vieira, who with the help of translation from Cyborg and Abraham, broke down 3-4 passes in minute detail, describing each point clearly and why he was doing it. The techniques he showed were 'mind blowing' to say the least, in that the methods he showed allowed an incredible amount of pressure being generated even from someone like myself who fights at Featherweight.
Day 3 we were instructed by main host coach Abraham Marte who focused mainly on his closed guard game he has become well known for, he showed us a back take from full guard with a number of variations that looked exceedingly technical but once broken down were achievable even by the new white belts present.
ROLLING: Rolling was variable throughout the camp, the first day of arrival we did some quick drills with Cyborg and then I was lucky enough to get the first roll with him. The preceding days the roll sessions were hit and miss and basically up to your own mindset on how hard you wanted to train. I will stress at this point that the way to view a camp like this is a vacation camp to relax, have a good time and pickup some sweet techniques. If you're looking for a competition preparation type of deal where you can roll hard 2-3 times a day this simply isn't that. To look at it realistically you can't expect everyone to want to train full on 2-3 times each day when they're staying at a 5 star resort with amazing pool and unlimited drinks which was a basic reality upon the 2nd day. Most people would all attend the morning seminars and then hit the pool after lunch and stay there drinking until dinner time where we would meet up and hang out once again. There were additional rolling sessions in the evenings where people would show up whenever they wanted, have a few rolls and leave. I managed to sneak in about 10+ rolls at each of these meet ups but as I said previously this depends on your own mindset of being active and grabbing people to roll and not taking long breaks after every roll. Should you decide to go and roll on your own time with a partner, the mats were available to us anytime from about 9am-9pm.
Questions? I'll try my best to answer all
submitted by jasonleejitsu to bjj [link] [comments]

Colección de localizaciones de MJ por el mundo...

En este tema quiero recopilar todas las localizaciones que hemos ido averiguando y así si alguien tiene la suerte de hacer un viaje a Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Londres, Paris... le sea mas sencillo encontrar esos lugares donde MJ dejo su huella.
Eso si, a Los Angeles le he dejado un espacio por separado debido a la gran cantidad de localizaciones que hay...
-Casa de Thriller: 1345 Carrol V. Echo Park
-Calle de Thriller: 3701 E. Union Pacific Av. & Los Palos St.
-Palace Theatre (Cine de Thriller): 615 S. Broadway
-Rialto Theatre (Interior del Cine de Thriller): 1023 S. Fair Oaks Av., S. Pasadena
-Set de grabacion del Cementerio ye interior de la Casa de Thriller: 4300 Maywood Av, Vernon (Cerca de Union Pacific)
-Debbie Reynolds Dance Studio (Estudio de Baile donde se realizaron los ensayos de las coreografias de Thriller): 6514 Lankershim Boulevard
-Green Apple Market (Billares de Beat It): 300 E. 5th St.
-Cafeteria de Beat It: 416 East 5th Street (Actualmente demolido)
-Almacenes de Beat It: 5th St. Alameda, Los Angeles
-Pantage Theatre (Teatro de You Are Not Alone y Hollywood Tonight): 6233 Hollywood Blvd.
-Griffith Park (Bosque de Thriller): 2800 Observatory Rd. (entre la arboleda)
-Decorados de Smooth Criminal y Moonwalker: Universal Studios, 100 Universal City Plaza
-Union Hotel (Saloon de Say,Say,Say): 362 Bell St., Los Alamos
-Antiques Depot (Lugar del Show de variedades de Say,Say,Say): 515 Bell St., Los Alamos
-The Chimney Sweep Inn (Actualmente " The Wine Valley Inn". Hotel donde se hospedaba MJ durante las grabaciones del video Say,Say,Say): 1564 Copenhagen Way, Solvang
-Vasquez Rocks Natural Park (Escena de Black or White de Indios y Vaqueros): 10700 Escondido Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA
-Shilpark Mann Brothers (Lugar donde se realizaban las audiciones para TWYMMF. En este lugar MJ eligio a Tatiana para el video): 758 N La Brea, Hollywood
-Harbor Star Stage "Terminal Island" (Hangar donde fueron filmados los videoclips de Dirty Diana y The Way You Make Me Feel. Lamentablemente el hangar fue demolido en 1990): Term Island Cg Base, San Pedro, Long Beach CA 90731 (Direccion mas aproximada: US Coast Guard, 1001 S Seaside Ave # 20, San Pedro, CA)
-Salton Sea Recreation Area State Park (Lugar de filmacion del videoclip "In The Closet": Salton Sea State Recreation Area, 100-225 State Park Road, North Shore, CA (Cerca de Palm Spring)
-Calle por la que pasea MJ en "Stranger In Moscow": 4th St. con N. Main & Spring
-Set de grabación de Billie Jean: Ren-Mar Studios, Studio 7, 846 N. Cahuenga, Hollywood
-Set de grabación de Who Is It: Ren-Mar Studios, Studio 8, 846 N. Cahuenga, Hollywood
-Escenas de Moonwalker donde juegan en el prado y sobre el puente: Disney Golden Oak Ranch, 19802 Placerita Canyon RoadNewhall, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
-Jim Henson Studios (Estudio de We Are The World y Liberian Girl): 1416 N. La Brea Av.
-Carretera donde MJ baila con india en Black or White entre coches: 11779 Sheldon Street, Sun Valley
-Vídeo "Why" de 3T y MJ: Ennis House en Los Feliz, Los Ángeles, California, al sur de Griffith Park
-Neverland Ranch (Rancho de MJ): 5200 Figueroa Mountain Rd., Los Olivos
-Casa de Encino (Casa de los padres de MJ donde vivio durante la epoca Thriller): 4641 Hayvenfiurst Av., Encino
-Primera Casa de "The Jacksons": 1601 N. Queens Rd. / 1600 N. Queens Rd. & 8600 W. Hollywood Blvd.
-The Lindbrook (Primer apartamento en el que vivio MJ en 1981 antes de mudarse a la mansion de Encino): 5420 Lindley Avenue, Encino (Unit#9)
-Holmby Hills (Ultima casa de Michael): 100 N. Carolwood Dr., Bel-Air
-Casa de Diana Ross (Casa en la que vivó durante un tiempo MJ en su infancia): 701 N Maple Dr, Beverly Hills, CA
-The Hideout (El "Escondite" o "Piso Franco" de MJ): 2247 Century City
-The Lindbrook (Sesion de fotos de 1981 de Chris Walter en el apartamento de Encino comprado por MJ, lugar donde vivia con Janet mientras hacia reformas en la casa de Hayvenhurst): The Lindbrook, 5420 Lindley Ave, Encino
-Casa de la familia Jackson entre mayo de 1970 y mayo de 1971: 2430 Bowmont Drive, Beverly Hills
-Westlake Recording Studios (Estudio de Grabacion de Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous y HIStory): 7265 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood
-Ocean Way Recording Studios (Estudio de Grabacion de Thriller, Dangerous y HIStory): 6050 Sunset Blvd.
-Larrabee Sound Studios (Estudio de Grabacion de Dangerous y HIStory):4162 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood
-Record Plant Studios (Estudio de Grabacion de Invincible y Dangerous): 1032 North Sycamore Av.
-Capitol Studios & Mastering (Estudio de Grabacion de Invincible): 1750 North Vine St., Hollywood
-Flyte Tyme Records (Estudio de Grabacion de Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis utilizados para grabaciones de HIStory): 8750 Wilshire Blvd.
-Jim Henson Studios (Estudio de We Are The World): 1416 N. La Brea Av.
-MJJ Productions, Inc (Discografica de MJ): 10960 Wilshire Blvd, Westwood
-"Marvin's Room" Marvin Gaye Recording Studio (Estudio de grabacion de las demos de Invincible): 6553 W Sunset Blvd.
-Allen Zentz Recording Studios (Estudios de grabacion de los Vocals de Off The Wall y Remasterizacion de Thriller, Billie Jean y Beat It): 1020 N Sycamore Ave, Hollywood
-Lion Share Recording Studio "Kenny Roger's Studio" (Lugar de grabacion de Eaten Alive, Goin Back To Alabama y arregos de We Are The World): 8255 Beverly Blvd
-Cherokee Studios (Lugar de grabacion de Off The Wall. Actualmente demolido y realizada una nueva construccion): 751 N Fairfax Ave
-The Wall, La Pared de la portada de "Off The Wall": Trasera de 7771 Beverly Blvd (A dos manzanas de donde eran los Cherokee Studios)
-Calle de la Portada Moving Violation: 101 N. Sycamore Av.
-Motown HitsVille West (Estudios de Grabacion de los Jackson 5): 7317 Romaine St., West Hollywood
-MCA Records "Studio 55" (Estudio en el que MJ grabó con Joe King Carrasco y donde The Jacksons preparaban el album LIVE): 5555 Melrose Av, Hollywood (frente a a Paramount Pictures)
-Todd A.O. Scoring Stage (Utilizado por MJ en HIStory): CBS Radford Studios, Studio City, Hollywood
-Staples Center (This Is It y MJ Memorial): 1111 S. Figueroa St.
-Dodger Stadium (Victory Tour): 1000 Elysian Park Av.
-Los Angeles Memorial Sport Arena (Bar Tour): 3939 S. Figueroa St.
-Pasadena Civic Auditorium (Motown 25th "Nacimiento del MoonWalk", actuacion de Dangerous para el 50th Aniversario American Bandstand): 300 E. Green St., Pasadena
-The LA Forum (This Is It Rehearsals, Triumph Tour, J5 Tour): 3900 W. Manchester Blvd, Inglewood
-Shrine Auditorium (26th Grammy Awards 1984: MJ gana 8 Premios Grammy, Accidente del Spot de Pepsi, Interpretacion de "You Were There" en el Tributo a Sammy Davis Jr, Entrega del Grammy por "We Are The World", Aparicion con Madonna en los Oscars 1991): 665 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles
-Rose Bowl Stadium (Estadio donde tuvo lugar la mitica actuacion de MJ en la NFL SuperBowl XXVII): 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena
-Avalon Hollywood Palace (Lugar de la primera actuacion en directo en TV de los J5 "Diana Ross Presents..."): 1735 Vine St, Los Angeles
-The Palladium (Conferencia de prensa de "LA Gear": 6215 Sunset Blvd.
-Orpheum Theater ("A Celebration Of Love" Fiesta del 45 cumpleaños de MJ): 842 S. Broadway, Los Angeles
-Crest Theatre (Cine en el que fue presentada la Premier del video "Thriller"): 1262 Westwood Boulevard
-Golden Apple Comics (Tienda de Comics Favorita de Michael): 7018 Melrose Av.
-Moist Wear Men (Tienda de moda frecuentada por Michael): 7518 Melrose Av.
-The Collectors Paradise Gallery (actualmente una tienda de muebles) donde MJ compro el libro "The Art Of Walt Disney" y banco al que se subio para ver una mejor perspectiva de cómo quedaria colocada la gente en el evento "Hands Across America" que pasaria por esa calle: 12260-12262 Ventura Blvd
-Villa Sorriso Ristorante (Lugar donde la familia Jackson celebro el “Celebration of Life” tras el funeral de MJ): 168 West Colorado Boulevard, Old Town Pasadena
-Madeo Restaurant (Restaurante Italiano frecuentado por Michael y la familia Jackson): 8897 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles
-Akasha Restaurant (Restaurante de la que fuera Chef personal en los Tours de MJ durante años): 9543 Culver Boulevard, Culver City
-TiGeorges' Chicken (Restaurante en el que Prince Michael participo como voluntario en una obra de caridad para Perú): 307 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles
-Alter Ego (Tienda de Cosmetica visitada por MJ): 427 N Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills
-Lladró (Tienda de Porcelana visitada por MJ): 408 N. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
-Book Soup (Libreria frecuentada por MJ): 8818 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood
-Chasen's Restaurant "1980 AMA After Party" (Michael acudio a esta fiesta y se fotografio en su fachada. Actualmente es una tienda de ultramrinos): 9039 Beverly Boulevard, Beverly Hills
-Melrose Avenue (Calle preferida de MJ para hacer sus compras en los Angeles situada entre Beverly Hills y West Hollywood)
-The Record Collector (Tienda de discos frecuentada por MJ): 7809 Melrose Ave
-Ed Hardy Store (Boutique frecuentada por MJ y sus hijos): 7817 Melrose Ave
-Unica Melrose (Tienda de Moda frecuentada por MJ): 7524 Melrose Ave
-Off The Wall Antiques (Tienda de Antiguedades frecuentada por MJ): 7325 Melrose Ave
-Pink's Hot Dogs (Puesto de perritos calientes del descanso de la famosa sesion de fotos de los '70): 709 N La Brea Ave
-Golden Temple of Conscious Cookery (Actualemente "Rama Restaurant". Restaurante frecuentado por MJ en los '80): W 3rd St (Cerca de Fairfax)
-Inn Of The Seventh Ray Restaurant (Restaurante de Malibu donde MJ ceno con Brooke Shields y frecuentado por la familia Jackson): 128 Old Topanga Rd, Topanga
-Sherman Oaks Bookstore (Libreria frecuentada por MJ): 13351 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks
-Casa de Pets (Tienda de animales donde MJ compraba todo para us mascotas): 13323 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks
-Mo-C Antiques (Tienda de antigüedades frecuentada por MJ. La ultima vez fue en Abril de 2009): 239 South Robertson Boulevard, Beverly Hills
-DioDolce & Gabbana (Boutiques de moda visitadas por MJ acompañado de Christian Audigier en 2009): 315 N. Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
-Christofle Silver (Joyeria de articulos de plata visitada por MJ en 2009. Unas manzanas mas atras se encuentra la oficina del Dr. Klein): 9515 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills
-Le Dome Restaurant (Resturante cenaba a menudo MJ en los '80 con Liz Taylor, Diana Ross, Lionel Richie... Actualmente el restaurante se ha convertido en un asador): 8720 W. Sunset Blvd.
-Chakra's Indian Cuisine (Lugar donde cenaron juntos y se reunieron por ultima vez MJ y la familia Jackson en Mayo de 2009): 151 S. Doheny, Beverly Hills
-Towers Records (Antigua tienda de discos donde MJ se hizo algunas fotos para la campaña de Suzuki): 8801 W Sunset Blvd
-Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles (Restaurante visitado por MJ durante los ensayos del video "Remember The Time". El estudio donde ensayaba esta cerca del restaurante: (A espera de confirmacion)
-The Beverly Hills Hotel (Hotel frecuentado por MJ y sus hijos asi como por la familia Jackson): 9641 Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Hills
-L'Ermitage Beverly Hills Hotel (Hotel utilizado por MJ como Post-Operatorio tras sus intervenciones quirurjicas): 9291 Burton Way, Beverly Hills
-Hotel Bel-Air (Hotel frecuentado por MJ. Estuvo durante un tiempo viviendo en él en 2008. Meses antes del 25J asistio a un concierto de piano de Antonio Castillo de la Gala en el Salon del hotel "Champagne Bar"): 701 Stone Canyon Road, Los Angeles
-The Beverly Hilton Hotel "Jesse Jackson's 66th Birthday Bash" (Fiesta de Cumpleaños del Reverendo Jesse Jackson a la cual MJ asisitio): 9876 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills
-Estrella de Michael en Walk Of Fame: 6927 Hollywood Blvd.
-Estrella de The Jacksons en Walk of Fame: 1500 N. Vine St.
-Grammy Museum: 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. A245
-Disneyland Park Anaheim (Ubicacion del especial Disneyland 25th Anniversary): 1313 South Disneyland Drive, Anaheim
-Museo Madame Tussauds Hollywood (Figura de MJ): 6933 Hollywood Blvd.
-Wax Museum (Figura de MJ): 6767 Hollywood Blvd.
-Guinness World Records Museum (Figura de MJ y Articulos de Memorabilia): 6764 Hollywood Blvd.
-Mural por el pintor Levi Ponce: 4900 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood
-Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Cementerio donde descansa Michael): Holly Terrace, 1712 South Glendale Avenue, Glendale
-Griffith Observatory (Lugar de la imagen descartada que iva a ser la portada de Off The Wall): 2800 Observatory Rd. (En la parte alta del edificio)
-Gardner St. Elementary School (MJ Auditorium y Escuela de MJ de 6º Grado): 7450 Hawthorn Av.
-Montclair College Prep (Instituto donde estudiaron Michael, Marlon y La Toya): 8071 Sepulveda Blvd, Van Nuys
-Ronald Regan UCLA Medical Center (Hospital donde transladaron a MJ el dia de su muerte): 757 Westwood Plaza
-Sesion de Fotos de la Campaña Suzuki: 6656 W. Sunset Blvd.
-Motown Billboard (Esquina Billboard): 8782 W Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood (Sunset Blvd & Holloway Dr.)
-Leo Carrillo Beach (Sesion de fotos de The Jacksons con los deportivos): 35000 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Malibu
-Corte de Santa Maria (Lugar del Juicio de MJ): 312-C E. Cook St., Santa Maria
-USA for AFRICA (Asociacion Benefica en la que participo MJ con We Are The World): 5670 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles
-Ziffren Et Al: Branca John G (Despacho del abogado de MJ, John Branca): 1801 Century Park W # 7, Los Angeles
-The Buckley School (Escuela en la que estudian Prince Michael y Paris): 3900 Stansbury Avenue, Sherman Oaks
-Knotts Berry Farm (Parque de Atracciones visitado por MJ en los '80. Lugar de la famosa foto con Snoopy): 8039 Beach Boulevard, Buena Park
-Hollywood Park Horse Track (MJ y Elizabeth Taylor asisten a la inauguracion de la nueva temporada de carreras de caballos en 1986): 1050 South Prairie Av, Inglewood
-Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) (Sesion de fotos de los J5 baja la escultura roja): 5905 Wilshire Blvd
-Empire West Condo Building (Sesion de fotos de los J5. La clasica imagen de los 5 en el cesped con el edificio al fondo): 1100 Alta Loma, West Hollywood.
-Noe Restaurant (Fiesta del 46th cumpleaños de MJ con la familia Jackson): 251 S. Olive Ave
-Womphoppers Restaurant (Actualmente "Saddle Ranch Universal". Afterparty celebrada en 1983 tras un concierto de Liza Minelli. MJ estuvo presente junto a Quincy Jones y Liza Minelli entre otros...): Universal Citywalk, 1000 Universal Hollywood Dr., Universal City
-The L.A. ZOO (Visitado por MJ y Emmanuel Lewis en 1984 una semana despues del accidente de Pepsi): LA ZOO 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles
-Campaña Suzuki en Fisherman Village (MJ de blanco junto a la Suzuki en el muelle de FV): Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey
-The Park Beverly Hills (Sesion de fotos de Jim Britt en 1973 donde MJ posa tras una fuente en el parque. Algunas de estas fotos aparecen en el MJ Opus): The Park Beverly Hills, Santa Monica Blvd. (cerca de Carmelita)
-Will Rogers Memorial Park (Otro de los parques de la sesion de fotos de Jim Britt en 1973 donde MJ posa. Algunas de estas fotos aparecen en el MJ Opus): 9650 Sunset Blvd (Entre Canon y Beverly).
*Gracias a Moonwalking Around Los Angeles por muchas de las direcciones facilitadas *
-Estacion de Metro del video BAD: Hoyt-Schermerhorn Station (Linea G con AC), Brooklyn, NYC
-The Masters School (Universidad de MJ en el video BAD): 49 Clinton Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
-New York State Pavillion (Exteriores de la pelicula "The Wiz" Munchkinland): Flushing Meadows Corona Park, 11101 Corona Ave, Corona, NY
-Hogar Natal de la familia Jackson: 2300 Jackson St. & 23rd St., Gary, Indiana
-Lugar de naciemiento de Michael Jackson: St. Mary's Mercy Hospital: 555 Polk St. Gary, Indiana
-Apartamento de Bobby Taylor. Lugar donde durmieron los J5 en el suelo antes de su audición con Motown: 1300 E Lafayette St Detroit, MI 48207
-SteelTown Records (Estudio de las primeras grabaciones de los J5): 4544 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL
-Kaufman Astoria Studios (Estudio de Grabacion de la pelicula "The Wiz"): 34-12 36th Street, Astoria, NY 11106
-Sony Music Studios (Grabaciones para sesiones de HIStory e Invincible): 460 W. 54th St., at 10th Avenue, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, NY
-Future Records Studios (Antiguos Estudios de Grabacion de Teddy Riley donde se grabaron vocals y demos para Dangerous, Invincible y el tema "Shout)": 4338 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, Virginia
-The Hit Factory Studios (Antiguos Estudios en los que se grabaron sesiones para HIStory e Invincible): 421 West 54th Street, New York
-The Hit Factory Criteria Studios (Estudios utilizados para completar el album "Invincible"): 1755 NE 149th St. Miami, Florida
-Teatro Apollo (Lugar de la Consagracion de "The Jackson 5"): 253 West 125th Street, Harlem, NYC
-The Madison Square Garden (Lugar de actuaciones como el 30th Anniversary 2001 y el Bad Tour '88): 2 Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY
-Radio City Music Hall (MTV VMA donde se besaron MJ y Lisa Marie): 1260 Avenue of the Americas, New York
-Carnegie Hall (Conferencia de "Heal The Kids"): 881 7th Ave, New York
-RFK "Robert F. Kennedy" Memorial Stadium (Gala United We Stand. MJ junto con varios cantantes interpreto "What More Can I Give"): D.C. Armony, Independence Ave and 22nd St in Southeast, Washington D.C
-Virgin MegaStore (Actualmente Disney Store)(Firma de Discos de Invincible): 52 East 14th Street, New York
-Modern Times Beer: Mural MJ&Bubbles de Post-It de 6.5 metros.
-The Mirage Hotel & Casino (Hotel frecuentado por MJ, lugar donde se vendia el CD de Siegfried & Roy con el tema "Mind Is The Magic" y ubicacion del Michael Jackson: The Immortal Cirque Do Soleil): 3400 S. Las Vegas Blvd.
-MGM Grand Hotel and Casino (Hotel en el que se reencontraron Michael y Lisa Marie meses antes de comenzar su relacion sentimental): 3799 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas
-Hotel Royal Plaza in the Walt Disney World Resort (Uno de los hoteles preferidos de MJ en Walt Disney World): 1905 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Orlando, FL
-Hotel Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort (Otro de los hoteles preferidos de MJ en Walt Disney World): 1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Orlando, FL
-Madame Tussauds Las Vegas (Figura de Cera de MJ): 3377 Las Vegas Blvd. South Suite 2001
-Motown Historical Museum "HitsVille U.S.A." (Antigua y clasica Sede de Motown Records): 2648 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, Michigan
-Addenbrooke Park (Replica de la escultura de Neverland "Snapshot"): 600 S. Kipling Pkwy, Lakewood, Colorado
-Replica de la escultura de Guangzhou: Overland Park Arboretum Botanical Garden 8909 W 179th St, Overland Park, Kansas
-Banco en memoria de MJ en el Brooklyn Botanical Gardens: 150 Eastern Parkway 990 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225
-EMP Museum: Hay una zona dedicada a John Landis con una pantalla en la que se habla de su trabajo y, como no, aparecen imágenes del making Thriller. Junto a ella, un traje de zombie del vídeo donado por Mick y Cinthia Garris. 325 5th Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.
-Banco en memoria de MJ en el Brooklyn Botanical Gardens : 150 Eastern Parkway, 990 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225
-Modern Times Beer: La cervecería Modern Times en tiene un mosaico de 6.5 metros de altura creado con más de 10.000 notas de Post-It.: 3725 Greenwood St., San Diego, CALIFORNIA 92110
-La Casa Blanca (MJ visitó a los presidentes de EEUU en varias ocasiones): 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington
-Hotel Presidente InterContinental (Hotel donde se hospedo durante el Dangerous Tour): Avenida Campos Eliseos 218, Polanco, Mexico
-Estadio Azteca (Lugar de Dangerous Tour): Calzada de Tlalpan, 3465, Col. Santa Ursula Coapa, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico
-Hard Rock Cafe Mexico City (Visita de MJ): Campos Eliseos #290, Col. Polanco 11560 Mexico D.F., Mexico
-New Westminster Museum (Anvil Centre): Allí tienen las gafas que MJ regaló a uno de los policías que le acompañaron en la visita al City Hall en 1984, la chaqueta del policía y un ejemplar de Moonwalk con la foto de MJ y los agentes. 777 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 1B6, Canadá.
-Escalinata de la imagen de MJ con el Cuerpo de Policía de Vancouver: New Westminster City Hall 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9, Canadá.
-Hard Rock Vancouver: Tienen uno de los spikey tops de Scream y varias vitrinas alrededor llenas de memorabilia de MJ. 2080 United Blvd, Coquitlam, BC V3K 6W3, Canadá.
-Castillo de Buda (History Teaser, parte del desfile ante el palacio): 1014 Budapest, Úri utca 9, Budapest, Hungary
-Plaza de los Héroes (History Teaser, escena de la estatua): 1146 Budapest, Hősök Tere, Hungría
-Disneyland Resort Paris (Michael estuvo de visita algunas veces en el parque): 77777 Marne-la-Vallée, Paris
-Wembley Stadium (Lugar del mitico concierto del Bad Tour '88. El estadio antiguo fue demolido y eregido el nuevo estadio en el mismo lugar): Wembley, London, HA9 0WS, Reino Unido
-Stadionul National (Lugar del mitico concierto del Dangerous World Tour '92): National Arena 35-37, Bucharest, Rumanía
-Olympic Stadium (Lugar del mitico concierto del HIStory World Tour '97): Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, 80809 München, Alemania
-The O2 Arena (Conferencia de prensa de This Is It y lugar elegido para la realizacion de los conciertos): Peninsula Square, City of London, London SE10 0DX, Reino Unido
-Hotel "Bayerischer Hof" (MJ se alojó en muchas ocasiones): Promenadeplatz 2-6, Altstadt-Lehel, 80333 Múnich
-The Grand at Oudezijds Voorbugwal (Hotel en el que se alojaba Michael en Amsterdam durante la gira HIStory 1996): Oudezijds Voorburgwal 197, 1012 Ex Amsterdam, Nehterlands
-Hotel Jardin Botanico (Lugar en el que se alojaba MJ durante el Dangerous WT en Tenerife): Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, nº 1,Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, España
-Hotel The Westin Palace (Hotel Preferido de MJ para alojarse en Madrid): Plaza de las Cortes, 7, Madrid, España
-Hotel Le Meridien (Hotel Preferido de MJ para alojarse en Barcelona): Ramblas, 111, Barcelona, España
-The Hempel Hotel (Hotel donde se alojo MJ en 2006): 31 Craven Hill Gardens W2 3, Londres
-Hotel The Lanesborough (Hotel en el que, supuestamente, MJ se desperto de madrugada y deambuló sonambulo por los pasillos): Hyde Park Corner 0, Myfair, Londres
-Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin (Hotel donde MJ asomó a Blanket por la ventana y causo la famosa polemica): Unter den Linden 77 10117, Berlín, Alemania
-Hard Rock Hotel (Estatua de en honor de MJ): PenangBatu Ferringhi Beach, 11100 Penang, Malaysia
-Madame Tussauds London (Figura de cera de MJ): Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LR
-Museo Astrup Fearnley (Figura de Ceramica de MJ & Bubbles): Dronningens Gate 4, 0152 Oslo, Noruega
-Estatua de HIStory: Eindhovenseweg Zuid 595681 Best, Países Bajos
-Estadio de Futbol Fulham (Estatua en honor de MJ por Mohamed Al Fayed): Craven Cottage, Stevenage Rd, Hammersmith, London SW6 6HH, Reino Unido
-Monumento frente al Hotel "Bayerischer Hof" (Decorado por fans de MJ como memorial desde 2009): Estatua de Orlando di Lasso Promenadeplatz, 80333 Munich, Alemania
-Estatua Tributo a MJ: Vainer St.(delante del Greenwich Shopping Mall), Yekaterinburg, Rusia
-Monumento Vittorio Emanuele II (Visita de MJ a Roma 1988): Piazza Venezia, 3, 00187 Roma, Italia
-Sony BMG London "Sony Sulks"(Michael realiza su protesta contra Sony Music subido a un Bus Inglés): 9 Derry St, London W8 5HY, Reino Unido
-Los Musicos de Bremen (MJ se fotografia junto a esta figura en su paso por Alemania en la gira HIStory): Am Markt, 28195 Bremen, Alemania
-Parque de Atracciones de Liseberg (Visita de MJ en la epoca BAD. Hay una estrella en su honor y las hullas de sus manos): Örgrytevägen, 402 22 Göteborg, Suecia
-Yokohama Stadium (Lugar del mitico concierto del Bar Tour '87): 3302-5 Kozukue, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Japon
-Heaven 'n Eggs (Restaurante en el que se ha hecho un menú en honor a MJ): Glorietta 4. Unit 104 G/F, Glorietta 4, Ayala Center. Makati City, Filipinas
-Cafe & Bar MJM (Bar con tematica dedicada a MJ): 1-57-1, Chofu, Tokio
-Heaven 'n Eggs (Restaurante en el que se ha hecho un menú en honor a MJ): Glorietta 4. Unit 104 G/F, Glorietta 4, Ayala Center. Makati City, Filipinas
-Escultura en Honor a MJ: 545号 Xiatang West Road, Baiyunqu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
-Wild Wadi Water Park (Parque Acuatico alquilado por MJ): Bahrain City Centre, Manama Bahrain, Dubai
-Studio Coast (Evento Premium VIP Party 2007. Michael llego vestido con el famoso traje negro con leoncitos amarillos): 2-2-10 Shinkiba, Koutou-Ku, Tokio, Japon
-Fabelas Morro Santa Marta (Lugar donde se rodó "They Don't Care About Us"): Rua Marechal Franciso de Moura, 234, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22260-140, Brasil
-Oficialia del Estado Civil de la Segunda Circunscripción de La Vega (Lugar donde se casaron de manera civil MJ y Lisa Marie): C/Manuel U. Gómez, no. 86, Edif. Juzgado de Paz, La Vega
-Park Hyatt Hotel (ahora llamado "Four Seasons") Mansion "Alzaga Unzue" (anexa al hotel, donde MJ se hospedo durante su estadia en Argentina en el 93): Avenida Alvear, 1661 Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Estatua y Mosaico de MJ (En la misma zona donde fue rodado TDCAU): Espacio Michael Jackson, Morro Dona Marta, Rio de Janeiro
MEMORIALES -Muro Tributo de los Candados de Amor (Tributo a MJ): Parque de la bahía de Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Muchas gracias a la comunidad de MJHIDEOUT por los aportes prestados a esta genial guía.
Si alguien tiene más lugares interesantes sobre los pasos de MJ no dude en compartirlos!
submitted by juancareddit to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

[WTS] Lot of 90% and .999 bars and rounds

This is my first time selling here but I have purchased from multiple people here.
So here is the lot
4x 2013 ASE - $25 each
3x American Flag bars - $25 each 1x Johnson Matthey bar - $24 2x Silvertowne Bars - 22.5 each
1x .999 Silver Two Dollar bill - $95
1x 2014 Reverse Proof CML with Horse Privy - $28 SOLD
1x 2013 Fiji Taku - $25 SOLD
3x .999% Circus Circus Silver tokens - $15 each 1x .999 Caesars token - $14 1x .999 1992 Harveys Casino and Resort token - $18 (or $75 shipped for all 5 casino tokens) SOLD
1x 1000 grain (just over 2 OZT) Hamilton Mint "Spirit of America" Viking coin, 24K gold clad .999 Fine silver. From what Ive found googling it, it was part of a set of 12 coins, only 10,000 sets were minted, and its by far my favorite round. It has a serial number and other stamps on the side. - $65
6x Walking Liberty halves SOLD
19x 90% Washington Quarters SOLD
29x dimes (13 Rosies & 16 Mercs) SOLD
For the 90% Ill take 17x face for the whole lot or 18x face if broken up. I can post the years of the 90% coins if people are looking to complete sets.
I also have a 1gram IGR gold bar that Id sell for $55 if there is interest Ill post a pic.
Shipping will $3-5 depending on the size of the order, I accept Paypal Gift. Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics, If you want better ones of any specific items let me know and Ill get my camera out and see what I can do. Feel free to PM me with any questions
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fiji casino resort video

It will be from US-based One Hundred Sands Limited, and be a US$290 million luxury casino resort on Denarau Island. The first phase of development will see 190 hotel rooms and 3 restaurants, with the second phase to add further accommodation, a nightclub, entertainment venues, and a 1,500 seat convention center. Best Fiji Resorts on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews, candid photos, and prices for 91 resorts in Fiji, South Pacific. Malolo Island is about 20km west of Fiji’s main island Viti Levu. The proposed development on Malolo Island would be Fiji’s biggest resort yet. On the island's south side, its master plan includes Fiji's first casino, an estimated 370 bures, nearly 90 of them standing over the water and more than 100 built amid protected mangroves. Fiji Casino Resort. In late 2011 Fiji was to become the latest casino destination in the South Pacific. It was announced that an American multimilionaire won the right to build a large casino in Fiji islands. The casino resort was to be built on Denarau Island. This is one of the main tourist destinations in the country. The company’s plan was to build Fiji’s largest holiday resort: roughly 350 bures (traditional Fijian bungalows with thatched roofs) and the nation’s first casino. Map. Fiji casinos and gambling guide contains information such as: A Fiji casino list, poker tournaments, slots info, pari-mutuel (greyhounds & horses), Texas Hold'em, and more. Find casino contact information and view pictures of every casino in Fiji. This story was originally published in and is republished with permission.. The Chinese developer of a new resort on a Fijian Island faces a massive clean-up bill after Fiji's ... View our selection of featured hotels in Fiji; Use the map to find hotels in the Fiji neighborhood you prefer; Use the filters to see hotels in a specific area of Fiji, select a specific theme, brand, or hotel class from basic (1 Star) to luxury hotels (5 Stars) in Fiji; Enter your travel dates to view the best deals on hotels in Fiji - while ... Malolo Island is about 20km west of Fiji’s main island Viti Levu. The proposed development on Malolo Island would be Fiji’s biggest resort yet. On the island's south side, its master plan includes Fiji's first casino, an estimated 370 bures, nearly 90 of them standing over the water and more than 100 built amid protected mangroves. All the latest holiday tips, advice and articles to help you plan your next Fiji resort holiday. Top historical sights to see in Fiji 2020-03-16. Great Romance Begins with a Loving Gesture 2020-02-18. 3 classic Fijian dishes you can cook at home 2020-01-16. Share this page.

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